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English World War 3 is Coming???

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Poll Poll

Will World War III Start in 2020

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old Poll World War 3 is Coming???


Hello, Everyone I would like to know what are your thoughts of what's currently going on between USA and IRAN.

As per international news USA made a move to assassinate high ranking general of IRAN'S QUDS FORCE which resulted killing of two high ranking official from IRAN and IRAQ
IRAQ's Parliament made their votes to kick USA military in their soil
Other Leaders encourage to de-escalate the issue
IRAN made their revenge by sending a dozen of missile to two military bases of USA in IRAQ

What are your thoughts in this one?

News Update

Interview with Iran's Foreign Minister
edited 2×, last 08.01.20 04:34:54 pm

old Re: World War 3 is Coming???

Mami Tomoe
User Off Offline

I think that WW3 will consist of a few groups of people, rather than countries.

The following groups (more known as cults) will be made:

> The good:
• People who hacked in CS2D
• People who hacked in CS2D without realizing that they did

> The bad:
• People who haven't hacked in CS2D
• People who aren't sure if they hacked in CS2D

The ugly:

old Re: World War 3 is Coming???

Moderator Off Offline

IRAN made their revenge by sending a dozen of missile to two military bases of USA in IRAQ

They intentionally shot into the target where all soldiers were gone already just to show that soldiers should retreat.
No casualties there.

oh wow, look how everyone talks about this now instead of impeachment.
The situation in this is so complicated that no news can properly cover it inside Iran.

Just recently Ukraine airplane crashed and Iran wants to cover it up.
They are not handing over black boxes and wiping them.

old Re: World War 3 is Coming???


@user SQ: Yes as per the official of IRAN
YUP! I think the move was political since W.B and Obama was given that option before as well but did not proceed since its to risky and to add on that Trump would like to re-elect himself.

Yes! There was a Ukraine airplane that crashed in IRAN's soil but how come or where did you get that IRAN is not handling it back?

@user Mami Tomoe: There is a possibility if you ask me personally in fact Philippines is about to send two battalions of army, marines to help repatriate filipinos working there IRAN, IRAQ, LEBANON etc... But the president of the Philippines was very clear neutral at this time

old Re: World War 3 is Coming???

User Off Offline

It'll be a war between the proxies of both sides if anything. Iran is -rightfully so- ready for escalation it seems though.

old Re: World War 3 is Coming???

Admin Off Offline

• Iran warned the US before they shot the rockets. They did not want to kill anyone and they did not want to escalate the situation. Yet they were forced to do something so they were able to pretend that they can mess with the US and also in order to pretend that they did something as an act of revenge.
Fun Fact: According to media the Iran media told the Iran population that they killed like 80 US soldiers with their rocket attacks. According to Non-Iran media nobody was killed.

• The Iran can't mess with the US (much smaller, no money for war at all) and the responsible leaders are most likely shitting their pants right now because they are afraid that Trump will do something in revenge. They even implied that they do not want to have a war.

• Right now Trumps advisers are probably doing their best to convince Trump that any further escalation is a bad idea.

√ WW3 surely isn't coming because of this.

Not sure about the plane though. Maybe Iran accidentally shot it or something stupid like that. We can only guess at this point. Wouldn't be the first case of that kind though.
I also read that Iran is not handing out the black box:

old Re: World War 3 is Coming???

User Off Offline

If that means that IRAN TOWN will never come back after the US is done with the whole country, I'll be fine with that.

old Re: World War 3 is Coming???

Super User Off Offline

Well, one thing is sure, people should not mess with USA, especially such a country like Iran, they would instantly lose the war unless Iran has some sort of support from Russia or something, which I doubt.

old Re: World War 3 is Coming???


@user DC: It's a fact that Iran is not capable to financially support their war with USA, but you know almost everyone in the middle east hates USA and Trump added another fuel that may evolve into another bomb coming in the USA just like what happened decades ago.

Personally speaking and obviously Donald Trump is just another kind of politician (I don't know what it's called) that would sacrifice innocent lives for power. Even if some of the US citizen considers Trump's action beneficial to them or should I say national interests?

@user Marcell: I don't think it's the right mindset people should have, Trump is a President of a country that has the powerful military in the world but lives matter the most.

I think this is just another history that would show how humans are.

old Re: World War 3 is Coming???

User Off Offline

user SQ has written
oh wow, look how everyone talks about this now instead of impeachment.

Good point. Very much reminds me of timely Bin Laden assassination, just when Obama's ratings were low before the re-election.

What we should do is not to hype up "The WW3 is coming!" but oppose a war as much as we can, despite any justifications for war presented in the media.

old Re: World War 3 is Coming???

User On Online

For WW3 to start, either China or Russia (once one joins, the other follows) must show some kind of military agression directly towards the US or vice versa. But as always the two/three super powers never go head to head and instead have "proxy wars", where they fund one side of another ongoing conflict. So we can conclude that the risks of a full blown world war is minimal (for now). Or just assassinate some random prince and good luck.

old Re: World War 3 is Coming???

Super User Off Offline

user crazy junkman Wolfgang has written
@user ModJuicer: you completely missed the point, but okay maybe you will understand some day

If the media and government are evil but conspiracies theories based on sketchy sources and bipolar uncles are correct, where do we stand?

We stand with the sheeple. To do otherwise would be facing destruction. Do not argue with the sheeple, or you will be destroyed in the new world order.

The sheeple will start and end world war 3. If you are a farmer, save your sheep from being recruited.

old Re: World War 3 is Coming???

Super User Off Offline

@user j0kER aR: Good joke man.

especially probably and very likely US has the most modern weapon technology, so good luck with that.

They also have way more money than Iran
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