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error code 032518f printer
error code 032518f printer
5 replies I'm getting an error code 032518f with my HP printer when I tried to do a color print the printer shows up error. Also, I asked an expert from LINK REMOVED but the issue is still the same.
The solution is most valuable for me. This seems to be advertisement, I would trash it
I heard that some of the windows 10 1903 updates recently causes printer error. Check it! So you "asked an expert" and now you registered on a relatively small community forum regarding specific video games to specifically get answers? Yeah, seems legit
You don't get it guys, it's bot who post link to website to get better website positioning
DC Admin
Once again guys:
It's SEO cr*p. It's a common technique to get better search engine placements.
The idea: The more pages link to your content the better your ranking will be on search engines.
It's very easy to recognize this kind of stuff when you know about it.
It's always the same pattern:
author is using a new account
author only created that single post/thread/comment
there's always at least one link in it
off-topic (in most cases not related to
Additional signs (not always true):
author asks a question or pretends to have an issue (related to the page he links to. this is only done to make the whole thing look more legit so it doesn't get removed instantly)
author has a weird nick
bad/weird English
Please do not waste your time when you spot something like this. Do NOT respond (and also do NOT report it to me!). I will remove these threads/posts as soon as I see them (and I will see them).
Hajt: I doubt that it's a bot. I'm using a custom forum software and it has CAPTCHAs and also weird additional protections like cooldowns which are not common. So I assume real people do it. Probably living in a poor country and paid and treated very poorly as well.