Can someone help me?
I need some scripts
private message if you help
I would really appreciate it
and I would be grateful
Have a nice day
addhook("say", "say_func") function say_whisper(plid, msg) 	local plidDst = string.sub(msg, 4, 5) 	if string.byte(plidDst, 2, 2)==string.byte(' ') then 		plidDst = string.sub(msg, 4, 4) 		msg = string.sub(msg, 6) 	else 		msg = string.sub(msg, 7) 	end 	plidDst = tonumber(plidDst) 	if plidDst and string.len(msg)~=0 then 		msg = player(plid, "name")..': '..msg 		parse("sv_msg2 "..tostring(plid)..' '..msg) 		parse("sv_msg2 "..tostring(plidDst)..' '..msg) 	end end function say_func(plid, msg) 	if string.byte(msg, 1, 1)==string.byte('!') then 		if string.byte(msg, 2, 2)==string.byte('w') then 			say_whisper(plid, msg) 			return 1 		end 	end 	return 0 end