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Video card suggestions
Video card suggestions
3 replies Hi guys,
I have a pc with extremely old gpu. Bought pc last year, and I don't even know how old gpu is, its from my previous computer.
CPU: i5-7500 3.4GHz
GPU: GeForce GTX 650 Ti 1gb
RAM: 8GB ddr4
So I'd like to know, what gpu should I buy, cause rn, i can barely run gta5 redux on medium-low settings (~70-80fps), and idk why, but total war rome2 and series up are lagging on lowest settings, also i'd like to play fc5 and newer games, in at least 100fps on medium or high graphic settings. New GPU series coming out this year, better wait until more details are known. Do not buy current series, would be a waste of money vs performance gain of the new ones. Suitable GPUs for your processor: gtx 1050ti, r9 290/390, rx 470/570, gtx 970/1060 3gb/1060 6gb (actually different GPU chips, not just memory), rx 480/580.
Second-hand r9 290/390 and rx (470)/480 are quite cheap to buy at the moment. Best value! Next-gen GPUs are uncertain in release time, it could be anything from August to 6 months from now. It also won't reduce current prices because some kids are still hyping mining (a lot less though).
Total War Rome 2 performance issues could be anything. Try to disable shadows (allegedly rendered on CPU)
You will not be able to play Farcry 5 above 70 fps with this intel gaming™ CPU. Other less demanding games yeah, but the CPU is at the limit with Farcry 5 and a ~gtx 1060 6gb card.
And because I know what you'll try next: 8GB RAM is not really enough for PUBG. @
VADemon: I definitely need to add another 8gb of RAM, but about PUBG, well, I ran that on lowest settings on my pc via friend's family shared steam. Played for 2hrs and got fed up with it, one of the most boring games I ever played.