yes...from there...and i use google translate when it is german i cant read:
list page:
Categories: misc, return
Sorry, not available in english!
Returns or modifies the height of the terrain at a specific location.
The position is set with X and Z. About mode is decided on what should be done:
0 - the height of the terrain is returned as a value between 0-100 (the height parameter can not be specified here!)
1 - the terrain is set to the specified altitude (value between 0-100)
2 - the terrain is changed by the specified height (negative values for lowering)
3 - returns the corresponding X position in the terrain matrix. Not every 3D coordinate has an associated coordinate in the terrain (since the terrain has only a limited number of vertices).
4 - returns the corresponding Z position in the terrain matrix (see FIG. 3).
The height is given with this command with a value between 0 and 100. Here, 0 stands for very low, 100 for very high. At about 50, the sea level is. Only in mode 1 and 2 can the height parameter be specified
If you search the command in the search box a second view is shown that has additional syntax information. See below I searched the command terrain and it now shows more syntax. Terrain X, Z, mode [, height]
Terrain X, Z, mode [, height]
Categories: misc, return
Sorry, not available in english!
Returns or modifies the height of the terrain at a specific location.
The position is set with X and Z. About mode is decided on what should be done:
0 - the height of the terrain is returned as a value between 0-100 (the height parameter can not be specified here!)
1 - the terrain is set to the specified altitude (value between 0-100)
2 - the terrain is changed by the specified height (negative values for lowering)
3 - returns the corresponding X position in the terrain matrix. Not every 3D coordinate has an associated coordinate in the terrain (since the terrain has only a limited number of vertices).
4 - returns the corresponding Z position in the terrain matrix (see FIG. 3).
The height is given with this command with a value between 0 and 100. Here, 0 stands for very low, 100 for very high. At about 50, the sea level is. Only in mode 1 and 2 can the height parameter be specified
Since the terrany does not show any detail of it's syntax on the LIST page, I put terrainy in the search box and it shows another view that has more syntax. See below I searched and you see it says terrainy x,y instead of just terrainy. There is two pages for every command it seems and I just figured that out on my own one day.
list page:
Categories: return
Returns the height of the terrain at a certain position.
Water surface is Y=0, under water is Y<0 and over water is Y>0.
terrainy X, Z
Categories: return
Returns the height of the terrain at a certain position.
Water surface is Y=0, under water is Y<0 and over water is Y>0.
you just need to figure out when and where to put ( ) and " " sometimes.
No it's not convenient, but it is what I do...I don't know what else to say to help you...only that there is a learning curve and once you build enough of your own scripts you begin to understand the syntax better. I have worked on my mod for 3 years now, and have added over 1,000,000 million lines of script, (no joke)
so it is very easy for me to figure out scripts and syntax. My first 3 months I struggled, just like you are now. It is what it is...once you find a command your interested in search it in the search box for more detail syntax...if you click the sub-categories at the top they also will show this "detailed" syntax...i dont know why it does not show in the LIST pages.
And there is no error message, it just is not executed, but moves on as if that code was not there...
Hmm...did you make only 1 on:dig now? I do not think you can have 2, like i said before.
get rid of the 1st testing on:dig and try this:
on:dig {
speech "positive";
msg "Digging!",4;
if (($tmp >= 0) && ($tmp <= 50)){
speech "positive";
msg "I am on is a beach!",4;
speech "negative";
msg "This is not a beach!",3;
edited 4×, last 30.01.17 02:45:20 pm