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Game maker multiplayer platform
Game maker multiplayer platform
5 replies Hello guys, long time no see!!
I'm working on a Game maker project now with multiplayer platform follow this page
And my game works perfectly with LAN (local IP like, and it doesn't work with WAN (global IP)
Did I miss something? and how can I make it work with global IP? I mean an Online game.
Please help!!!
Thanks guys!
Have you set up port forwarding? your server IP will be there To host server you also need to open port. There are many tutorials on how to port forward I found this
EDIT: There is Game Maker community also which will help you much better, any special reason you posted your question here. I don't know much about port forwarding. So I need to port forward at the host PC of the game? it's needed to port forward at clients PC? The host needs to do the port forwarding. The clients just need to make sure that their ports are not closed / blocked, but that's usually not the case any way Port Forvarding.
find your local gatevay.
type it in your brozer.
go to your router and login.
Port forvarding/special applications/games.
then add the game portz and add/accept.
boom there you have it
or dmz and just add your local computer ip there.
sorry but my double v doesnt vork.