So basically, im not even 18 yet and my feet are 46 (12), but i gotta use bigger shoes sometimes. Im 183cm and my feet look huge. All friends already call me bigfoot. My feet grew this huge all sudden? Will i grow height or can i stop growth of my feet.
Pls help
Admin/mod comment
The thread you posted is suitable in English forum and not else where. Moved to the right language section. / GeoB99
No one knows how your growth will continue. If you are not satisfied with your length, there are medicines that stimulate growth - but these are not proven to work in all cases.
I used to be very small at the age of 14 and then suddenly after a period of two years I was the tallest in my family. Bodies are weird, just get used to it
@ Black Wolf: The belief that growing suddenly halts at 21 is false. Some people stop growing at 18, others 16, others 14 and in rare cases even below the age of 10.
@ Black Wolf: I don't know if you're using a different sizing system but I usually go for size 46-47 shoes and nobody has ever told that my feet are big. I grew to 190 height and 46 feet size two years ago when I was late 17 and I stopped growing at that point. Are you sure they're that big? Maybe it's just your friends with their little feet or just trying to make fun of you or something?
They r not only long, but really wide as well. I havw diffuclties finding good shoes. And yes, everyone notices my huge feet and makes fun. Even my cousin who i met after years :D.
Well I am surprised you have not put those big feet to work. Give them a good kick and make sure to laugh during and straight after.
People don't like it when you laugh at a joke while the joke was intended to make fun of you. They won't let you know it, but they most likely won't joke about it as often. If you keep on kicking and laughing they will eventually stop all together.
And the best part about doing this - they can't do anything/kick you back seeing as it's fair game (unless their morals are different to the rest of the worlds population).
Well you know what they say. The bigger your feet, the bigger your noodle.
In Holland some say "een grassprietje kietelt meer dan een boomstam", roughly translated to a blade of grass tickles more than a tree trunk. But this doesn't sound right due to "a blade of grass"
Give them a good kick and make sure to laugh during and straight after.
So with this, nobody will go to correct position and everything will be aggressive and bad as like you. Dude, seriously you need to change. Please, don't start another fight here, I just thought what will be good for you. Just gave you a proposal.
@ Masea: You don't seem to joke a lot. Joking amongst friends is never intended to be fully offensive. Joking in groups is actually not because you want to make people laugh but is actually a psychological need of yourself for example to boost your own self of steam (there are many other reasons as well, look them up if you want to know more).
As an example, if I were to say that EngiN33R is a faggot (<3) in a chat group or in person amongst a group of friends, EngiN33R understands that I am joking as long as my intention was well-received. He may reply with "haha fuck you British cunt" and we would both laugh about it. Nothing was ever intended to be truely offensive (and by that I mean actually meant to hurt someone really bad). The retaliation of EngiN33R would be seen as acceptable due to the fact that we are just joking about. He could even push me back or give me a good hit (in certain areas such as the arm or leg, other areas are seen as an act of violence) and the other people standing by would also see this as just "joking around", because that is what we would be doing.
I never said he should kick the living hell out of them, I said a good kick. As long as he makes sure the kick is "sold" (so to speak) as a joke retaliation and the area the person is being hit is not seen as an act of aggresion (stomach, face, between the legs, above the hip) then there is nothing to be worried about.
People don't actually know when you are hurting them or not by joking. I may even be hurting EngiN33R right now with the statement above, we will never know. But the fact remains that if EngiN33R would to retaliate with a lower amount of force than I intepritate as violence I would refrain from making the joke again but could not hit him back as long as I receive the hit intended as a joke.
This sort of retaliation has also been proven to work. The brain joins the signal of getting hurt with the making of the joke and your sub-conscience refrains you from making the same mistake as often as you would, eventually leading to the halt of it all together. This method also works on bad habits, self inflicting of minor pain tricks the brain from having the urge to do whatever the bad habit is.
@ Masea: Did you just assume that reacting to 'your feet are big' with a joke will lead to people becoming agressive?
Might be in forums where you can't always understand the irony but that's not the case in real life (and that's precisely where the author would be in such situations).
@ Rainoth: If his friends didn't joke on him, then he will fine and won't share this thread to here. It's not an assume but it's disturber. An example, if I were be overweight and my friends will make jokes about it, then I won't absolutely make welcome about jokes.
Try looking at the full half of the glass.. I know a guy who wears 45 he once told that he buys outstanding sneakers at a cheap price ! because only few people wear the same or higher size, thus nobody buys them.
Moreover your feet may help you in making better performance in sports/physical activities, I'm not sure about that though butsurely they have an impact.