Building Teleporter Strange Fact
Building Teleporter Strange Fact
2 replies Hi
, i got something "strange" about teleporter building
When i am build 2 teleporter entrances and 2 teleporter exits,the two teleporter entrances can be used,but its teleport me one of the teleporter exits as i am build two exits.I often seen this on servers like Iran Town.
I cant choose what title suitable of this topic..
PS:Sorry for my English.
DC Admin
What behavior would you expect? That you go to a random exit? The thing is that the game doesn't know which entrance belongs to which exit. The original setup only allows you to have one entrance and one exit so you never even face the problem you are talking about.
Therefore the teleport exit logic is simply the following: Iterate over all buildings of the player and teleport to the first one which is a teleport exit. This is (in most cases) the first exit the player built. I found this when i place a wrench on my map,and play on deathmatch (because deathmatch have a team,that why teleporters looks bug.)
DC: Thanks for info!