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Professional Scripter . Before you're going to use the forum, F.A. (File Archive) and other functions of the website, you must note the rules (see Rules page) if you don't want to encounter any trouble with users / moderators or DC. The rules and their meanings are quite understandable for everyone so I am sure there's nothing to worry about whatsoever. Often, some users may respond negatively about you if you involve or contribute to US.de with useless, spam threads or contents and behaving in an inappropriate / childish way. So, think twice before you want to post something and it'll be fine.
Besides, this community has both good and bad sides it isn't that uncommon. There are some childish / troll users out here but you don't have to pay lots of attention. In case if you feel confused, or sparing a question about US feel free to PM me whenever you want as I'm available as much as possible.
As for this thread, I'm going to close it as I've already answered your question and there's no necessary for further posts. That's how it works (at least for this case) so don't take it personal. Hope it helps. edited 1×, last 24.03.16 03:24:04 pm