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English Open port?-has not the router.

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old Open port?-has not the router.

User Off Offline

Hello all.
I cant make server (even by new game) it's add in LAN.
I have no router! Only cable that put in special NET hole in pc(if you want/need i can make photo of it)
I tryed to make rule in firewall windows - doesn't work.
Also i've check for "sv_lan" command and checkbox "offline/lan".
Other topic doesn't helps, because everywhere need search router(but as i said i haven't, only cable)
Thank you.
/in the 3g modem i've all ports opened, i did nothing, but they was fcked that 3g modem(bcs it was too slow) and get new Internet "NoKS"-cable internet.

old Re: Open port?-has not the router.

Admin On Online

First of all:
Your server always appears in the LAN list (if using the port specified in the LAN list which is the case with default settings). This is NO problem at all! That's because your server can be visible in the LAN list AND in the internet list at the same time.

With many configurations you won't be able to see your own server in the internet list when trying to find it from within the same network (when starting CS2D yourself to check). This also does not necessarily mean that nobody else can join. Ask a friend to join.

Please also read the F.A.Q. which covers all this:
edited 1×, last 08.01.15 11:55:42 am

old Re: Open port?-has not the router.

User Off Offline

@user DC: I've ask a lot of friends to search'em,
in the site i've check this 36963 ip, and it's says "closed port".
I think everything is impossible, i should call my provider and ask him open ports.. so, close/trash this topic.
thank you.

old Re: Open port?-has not the router.

User Off Offline

Do you have an antivirus software installed? Those often have own firewalls.
Do you have programs like torrents running? These might use the required port.
And just to be extra sure, provide us with your ipconfig data:
Open the cmd and type:
ipconfig > C:\MyIpconfig.txt

old Re: Open port?-has not the router.

User Off Offline

@user GeoB99: i'm not sure i understand you.. you mean that call my provider(who did get me that internet) and ask for open portzzz?
-i've know about it, but i search alternative.

old Re: Open port?-has not the router.

User Off Offline

Also, @user Mora i think you didn't search before, because there is a lot of topic/theard/program's about this problem.
And i think you can't open port's without a router, this is my opinion.

old Re: Open port?-has not the router.

User Off Offline

@user THEMUD: lol, if i'm not search before i'm not making topic.
And one:
i can open ports without a router, call provider and he will open'em. But i haven't his number, so i writte here -.-

old Re: Open port?-has not the router.

Moderator Off Offline

@user Mora: Even if you don't know the number phone of the ISP but i'm sure you know the name of that ISP, so you can go to google, go to the website ISP and try to search the number phone.

Or if you have some acts (documents of the ISP or such) you can try to find the number phone...

old Re: Open port?-has not the router.

User Off Offline

@user GeoB99: thank, i better go(after i again pay for internet) ask about it for those, who takes pay in the casse(<-or how it..oh d**m, my english) .-.
/"pliz cloes topi cok"
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