As the sun and moon are sitting low in the sky, I would rather put them at like "high noon" directly above my map centered.
This info is given in the website scripting page for sprites:
info_sprite information ID ["file"] [X, Y], [R, G, B] [Alpha] [, blend] [, Fix]
Categories: info, effects
Changes the sprite a sprite information.
If no parameters are specified, then the sprite is removed (the info itself remains unchanged!)
With file is a image file is specified relative to Modornder ("self" to the shared file continue to use). X and Y determine the size (standard 1.1). With R, G, B color can be specified (default 255,255,255). About Alpha transparency is regulated 0.0-1.0 (Standard 1). Blend With the sprite can be made bright (1 or 0, default 0). With fix it can be fixed vertically so that it does not rotate (1 or 0, default 0)
My sun and moon textures are a sprite in the sprites folder...but I see no reference to the actual sun or moon the sprite is attached too?
seems I should be able "get" the x,y,z position of the sun or moon and move it to noon position. no? Or, destroy it then recreate it at a new location?
Im baffled...