I want to unban who banned last. For example i banned Player2. But it was wrong player. i will type "!remove" then
Only him ban will be remove. Thanks for your helps
function string.split(str,pat) local t = {} 	for word in string.gmatch(str,pat or "[^%s]+") do 		t[#t+1] = word 	end 	return t end addhook("say","stuff") function stuff(id,txt) local words = txt:split() 	if player(id,"rcon") then 		if words[1]=="!banip" then 			if words[2] then 				parse("banip "..words[2]) 				return 1 				local storedip = words[2] 			else 				msg2(id,"Invalid parameters!") 			end 		elseif words[1]=="!remove" then 			parse("unban "..storedip) 			return 1 		end 	end end
if player(id,"rcon")
if player(id,"usgn")==YOURUSGN
latest_ban = {[0] => {"id"=>#USGN_ID_HERE,"user"=>"Player",...}}