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English Port Forward primer!

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important moved Port Forward primer!


Often people come to me and ask me why I cannot see their server in the serverlist. This is mostly because either the software firewall isn't configured properly, or the ports aren't forwarded correctly.
Since people are having troubles with opening ports on their router, i will write a short guide on how to open a port on windows, using the command line. I will not dedicate this guide to one router and try to keep it as abstract as possible.

LAN ip
There are two ways of obtaining lan IP, either by assigning static ip's to computers in the network, or by using DHCP to receive automatic lan ip. If you don't know what you're using, you probably have automatic lan ip.

To configure you're router, you need to connect to it using the http ( or ssh ) interface.

1. To find out the ip of the router and your lan ip, press windows key + r and type cmd, or alternatively press start->execute and type cmd. You should see a black terminal, now type ipconfig /all . The results of what you see should be similar to this image:

I have drawn a red box around the router ip (Default gateway) , and also around the lan ip ( IPV4 Address ).

2. Open your internet browser and enter http:// + router ip. In my case it's .

3. The webpage you will see will look different for every router. If you are asked a username and a password, try default username/pw combinations like (user,user) or (admin,admin) or ask someone who knows the combination. For a specific guide for your router, you should visit

4. On my Davolink router, i have to go to Advanced Setup -> NAT -> Virtual Servers to reach the port forward page. On my TP-link router it's Forwarding -> Virtual Server. Arriving at this page, you are required to fill in the port forwarding information.
For IP Address, fill in the ip u found at step 1 ( IPV4 Address). For External port/ Service port and Internal port fill in the port number, cs2d's standard is 36963. The protocol for cs2d is UDP.
Warning: The IPV4 Address might change everytime you reboot your computer when you are using automatic IP.
The examples of my two routers are shown in the following image:

5. When creating a cs2d server, under port fill in the port that you opened, and enjoy playing

old Re: Port Forward primer!

Moderator Off Offline

Since you have related this tutorial to cs2d, I moved this to the servers section. If DC agreed I would stick this topic.

old Re-Title

User Off Offline

Since I don't know how to port forwarding, ( )
I think I really need your help as forward

old Re: Port Forward primer!

User Off Offline

But the IP should work always. So there is not really a point to type in e.g. instead the IP of the router.

old Re: Port Forward primer!

User Off Offline

It took me to realize that my server is online, where it was revealed that LAN had a linked server in your internet connection, plus I saw a few that I also gadfly with this problem, Some of my friends who tava creating a server in CS2D were talking about me how to let the server online.

old Re: Port Forward primer!

User Off Offline

Suuper late post here,You could always use DMZ if you got problems with port forwarding,you just got add your devices end ip in the router settings !

Also putting your nat settings to the lower security one helps aswell
+ UpnP sometimes too(if cs2d has support for it)

Every router's interface is bit diffrent but the concept is same.

Other routers got more features and others less.

(i needed to wait about 300 seconds to post this *cough*)

old Re: Port Forward primer!

Moderator Off Offline

@user Mora: It's quite obvious that port forwarding without a router renders the port forward impossible. There needs to be something on your network, whether a hardware network such as a router or a switch (not always) to perform such actions. I do think, there are some tools to do so, you don't need to being worried about NAT although the effects aren't fully guaranteed.

user Terracraft has written
Every router's interface is bit diffrent but the concept is same.

And everybody knows that. Would be nice if you refrain at reviving old threads like this for almost unnecessary posts.

old Re: Port Forward primer!


I have a question:
After some days with non default port ping jumps for everyone. For example I normally have 30 ping but now it is always 40. Server restart does't help, only changing port of the server fixes the issue.

What could cause that behavior? Changing ports every week is sad :

More info:
Server ping: 34ms
If I open port 91 CS2D shows 28 ping
If I open port 92 CS2D shows 45 ping
If I open port 99 CS2D shows 34-40 ping

What the....
edited 2×, last 25.07.18 02:17:45 pm

old Re: Port Forward primer!

Admin Off Offline

@user Quattro: CS2D doesn't care about which port you use. It shouldn't have an impact on the ping/latency. I have some assumptions though:

• Something in CS2D is not cleaned up properly. In that case a simple restart of the CS2D server program with THE SAME port should work.

• Other soft- or hardware might be using or checking the port. E.g. there could be an adaptive firewall which checks traffic and builds a dynamic rule set which slows down traffic after some time. This might be running on your server (restarting the machine/vm should help), the infrastructure of your provider or somewhere else.

Also a general hint when working with ports: Avoid reserved port numbers. They might cause issues. Especially the super low numbers between 0 and 1023. You really shouldn't use those for game servers. See:

old Re: Port Forward primer!


@user DC:
We checked all ports with netstat-an before trying. Maybe it's firewall but it only happens in CS2D
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