Need ideas for my map
Need ideas for my map
9 replies So I made a new map, and I'm stuck on creating a specific thing. First watch the image.
Now tell me, What to do with the pipelines (the lower ones) Wow looks nice, sorry I don't have any ideas. Maybe more approach points? This is a battle map right? Yup, but the pipelines are a bit empty. Most you can add is lighting, adding more decals would make it look bad, there is a line from simple, and too complex. I mean like more walls etc. It may look old, like with gaps here and there.
There are many ideas. You can make new tiles and make maps for Half Life, zombies and other things. But you must have your own ideas too.
Dude, its been uploaded already. I like cookies
You should make some bridges?
(Iknow i suck at maping..bad idea from me) The problem is solved already morons, also read the first post before posting stupid answers ._.