Dedicated Server
Dedicated Server
5 replies omg....
DC work on Stranded II and not on CS2D, make it yourself or play CS2Dn.... I need the sourcecode of the to create that dedicated... dont work... Manmanman even i know this
Make a MS DOS file and paste this is it
@echo off
title Run Chaser 2D Dedicated Server
start Chaser2D.exe -win -nointro - dedicated - map mapname
Then run it and you're done.. Im sorry i mean
@echo off
title Run CS2D Dedicated Server
start counterstrike2d.exe -win -nointro - dedicated - map mapname
And you have to name the MS DOS file: CS2D Dedicated Server this is not a dedicated server. dedicated server misses all grafik shit, cause most server don't have DirectX installed.