This time I brought you a package containing six magic spells. Which are:
Ice Ball, a spell that freezes players whithin 40px to the point of collision.
Fire Ball, a spell that burns players near to the point of collision.
Poison Ball, a spell that poisons players whithin 40px to the point of collision.
Daze Ball, a spell that dazes players whithin 40px to the point of collision.
Pure Damage, a spell that causes damage, but only to the player directly hit. The amount of damage increases with the time of flight of the magic projectile.
Healing Spell, a spell that heals a player, but only the one directly hit. The amount of health points healed increases with the time of flight of the magic projectile.
Spell: Sleepiness, a spell that lets players fall asleep.
They're all in one .zip file, so you don't have to download them separately
v1.2 - 07 Oct 2011
- Improved "ignore player" for Portal Gun compatibility
v1.1 - 28 Sep 2011
- Added Spell: Sleepiness
- Renamed some spell's ingame names
- Changed Hierarchy of whole set
edited 7×, last 07.10.11 01:21:24 pm
Approved by DC
163 kb, 868 Downloads