So I remembered about a long-forgotten thread how a guy's rcon always got hacked even if he changed it every now and then, and so I made a pass generator script. It creates a random RCon password every half an hour, a password that no one can hack.
(EDIT: Keep in mind this has been made before there was the ability to set a list of people who can use the RCon)
The script has 3 difficulty levels:
First difficulty is 6 symbols without any special ones (like @ and #), only numbers and letters (in different cases, so both Z and z are possible).
Second difficulty is 6 symbols WITH special ones.
Third difficulty is 8 symbols with special ones.
You can edit the difficulty level in the script, on
difficulty = 3
The RCon password it creates is broadcast by msg2 to admins (recognized by USGN IDs, you can set them in the table on first line). Admins can also say "rcon" (without quotes) to open a menu with one item - the RCon password (the menu does nothing, it just has a button with the password so you can rewrite it).
A new password is generated every half an hour. You can also generate it manually by writing this in console:
lua changepassword()
Report any bugs you find!
Have fun and be secure!
edited 3×, last 04.11.12 12:49:03 pm
Approved by Seekay
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