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English Deus Ex Widowmaker shotgun >

9 comments4 kb, 380 Downloads

old Deus Ex Widowmaker shotgun

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The semi automatic shotgun that appeared in Deus Ex Human Revolution
BTW: It´s possible that you have already seen this skin in gamebanana, I´m not coping, just posting here to cover more public
Updated: By popular demand now there is a bigger buy menu image, the old one is still in the files
edited 3×, last 09.09.13 01:58:35 pm
Approved by DC

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4 kb, 380 Downloads


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thanks for the likes ^^, seems like I have no option but to make a version with a bigger menu image haha


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more big
I like it!


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In the reference image,the handle is bigger than the mag,work on that.
I like it!


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Thanks ^^, really appreciate the positive feedback


Mr Muffin
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@user GrizzlyAtlas: I understand, you did a great job on this skin. And keep up the good work!
I like it!


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I see, I will make the handle and trigger bigger, maybe the mag too, since I want to keep proportion, but about making very big menu images... I try to make them look as close as the original ones as possible, so when you look at the buy menu it doesn´t stick out much


Mr Muffin
User Off Offline

I'm talking about the menu one, the drop image is good.
You can make the buy menu one a bit more detailed and bigger.
I like it!


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I tried to keep the proportion with the one in the render I found in the wiki, but are you talking about the menu model or the drop one?

old Good

Mr Muffin
User Off Offline

Very nice skin, but you could do a better job on the handle making it longer and also the trigger is nearly invisible, make it just a bit bigger.
I like it!
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