cs2d for linux?
cs2d for linux?
4 replies Hi!
I haven't played still your counter-strike 2d version but screenshots seem to be a funny game. Would it be possible to compile the game for linux?
I have read the game has been programed with Blitz3D and in the blitz webpage there is a version that can compile games for linux: BlitzMax and as cs2d is not a pure 3d game...:P maybe... could you compile cs2d using blitzmax (or any other compiler) and generate linux binaries?
I think it would be nice for linux community.
Thanks and excuse my bad english.
MurDoK. you can delete the 3d-commands in the bb3d-code.
and then compile it with bb3d. maybe it works with wine.
but you can't compile it with blitzmax! If you make a linux binarie, can you upload to the cs2d.com or another page and link that here?
I'm interested in the CS2D for linux. why don't you do that? Why should DC do it?
If someone of you have blitzmax, he could suck the old code (or ask dc for the recent one) and port it.
Simply compile never works with games, cause of the different filesystems and dir-order. try the without-3d-code with blitzplus.
it's with opengl