Stranded II
4 replies I vant to create a saw in ext.mod but I can't do it please help me
You need to make a sawblade and two iron bolts first.
You can get iron bolts by combining an iron bar and a hammer.
For the blade, you need an ironbar, a hammer and a grindstone. To get the grindstone, combine a stone either with a flint or with sand and bark.
To get the saw, combine the sawblade and the iron bolts with a bendable branch.
I know it's pretty hard, but the long way can be more fun and interesting
In Short:
stone + flint -> grindstone OR stone + sand + bark -> grindstone
ironbar + hammer + grindstone -> sawblade
ironbar + hammer -> iron bolt
sawblade + iron bolts + bendable branch -> saw thank you very much but where I can find sand?
just think a little...
you are on an island with a beach and you have a shovel... The shovel!