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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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hey thanks for the feed back.

Most of those bugs and issues have been resolved with the latest updates. I suspect you are playing the first mod fix download, or early version, from when I decided to fix those bugs in the first place.

I am aware of the remaining bug with the Cooking Pot servings...i have yet to be able to fix that...still trying.

The gold has not mush use in the game, as the Diary states it is not implemented in the game as of yet. The coal rock has been removed from HARD mode and yes you have to mine to 200 before you get coal from other rock or clay. This put demand on the iron tools for the beginning of the game.

Please try the latest download 11-22-2012and if your playing an old version "restart" your game (sorry). You can delete all old versions this new one is current. Play for atleast 14 days on hard mode and get back to me with your feedback on that please...most bugs should be taken care of thus far.

I will however double check the issue you described, but I think it is the older "bugged" version you played.

thank you for the feed back!

edit...the pickaxe works, you have to make iron/steel "bars" first, then combine the "bars" with your "hammer" at the "anvil". The long head cannot be made from the soft nuggets, you need bars.

also: gold rock gives gold nuggets yes, it was left in the game for now as a source of other stuff to though, like iron,coal, sulfer, saltpeter, stones, pebbles. My next update already has made a use for some gold nuggets...currently I am working on some new things for the use up resources that have no use, or very the tepee using up abundance of shins and chord/cotton.
edited 3×, last 23.11.12 11:48:59 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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speaking of uses for gold, I just finished adding to the tame natives that I made. They now can be asked to farm/hunt/fish, mine, or cut trees in exchange for gold. It works in a somewhat similar fashion to the monkey mine but is more than just a stockpile that turns one thing into another. This is a series of dialogue that allows you to choose what you want and how much you want to pay for. The native allows you to retrieve his harvest the next day if you have enough gold to buy it.

Here's the download:

link removed by popular demand.

I started from a clean file this time so the native and tepee should be the only files modified.
edited 1×, last 28.11.12 06:57:59 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

BANNED Off Offline

I don't think the clay cooking pot problem is a bug I think it's a realistic way for the mod, for example if we add too much salts into the soup then the soup will be salty correct so it doesn't relieve thirst need but worse increase it.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

To All,

New thanksgiving update was posted on the previous from page 1 opening post...or my signature on any of my posts.

11-22-2012 fullgame, "saves" compatable with old 11-05-2012 version. After downloading and transferring your save file to the saves folder...delete the old version to regain your hard-disk space.


hey cool stuff! somehow I got to integrate this into the trade aspect of the game...I like it better then the old spawn tradesmen whom trade you stuff you can make on your i never seen the point of that trade system.

i downloaded...i will get to it n the monkey n spawn scripts too asap.

and btw...while all the natives are hostile on HARD mode in this version...many of them can still be traded with if you approach them and hit your E button...they will return to hostile upon exiting the trade menu though...I had kinda left this for the players to discover on their own, as I don't have any Diary entry on this....but since we are here...


yeah...i messed with the cooking pot a long time ago and thought it was current issue with that thing is I can not remember what ingredients I added to keep the pot "neutral" or "positive". I can only remember that it was just a couple things added to make a proper stew. So I have to figure out those ingredients before I can move forward on the cooking pot. A tedious process...i have to play to find them, cuz I cant tell in the scripts what to add "together".

but i also remember Builder2_0 had stated in the MM thread that he left this cooking pot as a "mystery" of sorts....that the player will have to figure out what to add...and he would not tell the thread viewers what to add.

as several asked him for the combos/ingredients to no I can say i figured out a few of them...but have forgotten them.
edited 1×, last 24.11.12 04:35:59 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

BANNED Off Offline

I would like to ask you about one thing...
Does Hut is the only building that can shelter fireplace from rain? because I used the tepee to cover 6 fireplace and when the rain come... BAM! all of my fireplace is put out I barely survive that day on HARD mode, and it's is an EXTREME AND INTENSE moment I eat fish sushi style I drink my reserve wine and water without anymore supply and do nothing but wait until the rain stop until I can cook again!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

i am sorry about that Firefly...I will look into having building cover fire from rain. I dont like this either...yet i have not checked the script to see if i can or how to do it. I will add that to my to do list right now from page 1 information.

for the moment, if you have a forge near you may be able to light that with your flint if you left it covered...i know for sure if a forge is ALREADY lit, it will remain lit in the rain.

you may have to rely on snail slime, clams from shells, mushrooms, berrys, etc (non cooked foods). until the rain stops...if the forge is lit you can hard cook eggs by "using" them at a fire.

on another note, I have just finished adding somethin on a whim...notice the "stepping stones"...they are all made from clay+pebbles+saltwater...and one extra item to add color you want. Like crystal silica dust to make green stones, or charcoal to make black ones. These are a "build" use your hammer from the build menu, and they cant be picked up...only destroyed. (like any building is done with a "Build Site", your carving a square in the ground and pour in the mixture, and it dries into a stepping stone. Although this is just "simulated" when you build one.)


just a little something to enhance your camps with later ingame, when you may find you have extra resources to blow. I will hit on some other important thing now, since the update i was just messing around and came up with "Stepping Stones". Can make many things like patios or walk ways...foundations enhancements....what ever.
edited 2×, last 24.11.12 08:31:20 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

BANNED Off Offline

That's okay it was fun and I always prepared for this now...

It would be great if there are a script that somehow can spawn Excrement (after you eat plum) to something like after 1 hour of food eaten will spawn Excrement and it could be used to fertile crop... just imagining everything have it use you know....

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

you can script that...currently there is a script for fertilizing stuff and to make the plant grow faster then unfertilized plants...and I do have a plan to implement this already.

right now excrement is only good to burn up as fuel in the forge....if you like to keep your island cleaned up from the poo LOL

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

BANNED Off Offline

Aww sick! who would place such thing in a forge? Wouldn't it create something like Iron-like excrement or Stink-soft-iron? Just kidding! I also recommend that there should be a some sort of script that make us have some dizzy state over time if there are about 10 of the poo near you.

And I'm no scripter why? Because it took me 10 months to figure out how to use the sign to recieve message!

And what about the adventure mode will you take a stab at it at a later time? I saw about 4 portals but only one of ém was working it is the original SII adventure, So will you make up an adventure mode I think it should feature about the mod crafting, process of forge and all the new thing about the mod that'll spice up the gameplay!
edited 1×, last 25.11.12 10:11:14 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Quote sorry but I don't think I will be messing with adventure mode Firefly. Was never my intention when I took on The Survivalist.

I really dont have the time to spend on it..what time i have to mess around with this mod is even limited.

if it was my job or I got paid for it I would expand my workload to include something like enhancing Adventure ...but you see I deleted it from the menu along with other stuff.

This thread is devoted to The Survivalist as a stand-alone game only. Sorry, maybe someone else can pick that up n work on it.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

BANNED Off Offline

Oh I'm sorry to hear that, if and I said IF I'm good at scripting enough then I may create some map for all these 4 portal. I create some map from the mod now but I didn't include any or much script in there....

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Once I finish with making villages, I may make an adventure to showcase them. That won't be for a long time though.

Speaking of villages, the next thing I will make will probably be the chieftain and potion trading. After that, I'm running low on ideas, I may make someone who will let you trade for gold coins and replace the gold nuggets that the native takes for them. Another thing I might add is a fisherman that spawns at the dock and uses fishing rods and bait to catch fish since random islands don't have fishing spots.

Edit: It just came to my attention that I left some of the debug code in the native that will keep it from working properly. If you want him to gather you have to hit him instead of waiting a day but I can upload the correct file shortly.

Here it is:
edited 2×, last 26.11.12 07:01:47 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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The maps for adventure mode already exist. The thing is you have to complete quest #1 to go to quest #2, etc.

I do not think this game lends itself to adventure mode, not if you are just going to be spawn in a brand new island that has nothing to do with the previous one.

The only way I could see a fitting adventure, is if somehow you could link the islands in such a way you could travel back and forth with a raft. That way you could make some island rich in some resources while other full of hostiles, others with characters, etc. There were a couple of maps in MM that attempted to recreate this, but all of the islands in the same map.. which is the ideal way if you could make maps much, much larger.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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user Aedolaws has written
The maps for adventure mode already exist. The thing is you have to complete quest #1 to go to quest #2, etc.

I do not think this game lends itself to adventure mode, not if you are just going to be spawn in a brand new island that has nothing to do with the previous one.

The only way I could see a fitting adventure, is if somehow you could link the islands in such a way you could travel back and forth with a raft. That way you could make some island rich in some resources while other full of hostiles, others with characters, etc. There were a couple of maps in MM that attempted to recreate this, but all of the islands in the same map.. which is the ideal way if you could make maps much, much larger.

I actually tried to do that with a set of maps based on trading between islands, but the code went way over my head at the time. I may try something like that again as a random island continuation once I get better at programming this.

Edit: I just finished the fisherman that I was making. I will probably make additional updates to it because I feel it can do much more but the basic framework is functional.
edited 1×, last 27.11.12 08:40:42 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

kname....ill download it and check it out.

can you please remove all the outdated links you have posted? We dont need many 30 MB download links scattered throughout the thread. Just leave your "latest" link and remove the outdated links....makes it hard for others to find the right link for the survivalist mod.

this thread was to be a download for The Survivalist only.

dont take this message the wrong way...i have absolutely NO problem with your content, and it's great work...I just dont like having links posted all over the stay on top of removing old ones as you post a new 30MB download.


or post the link in your signature and inform us when you update it

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

I take back what I said about "adventure mode." The term "adventure" is misleading. I guess it refers to what I am used to call "campaign mode." And yes, you could have a bunch of different scenarios with different goals/maps/etc, sort of what Stranded II has (4 maps/adventures).

What I meant to say is that, if for some reasons the size of the island cannot be incremented because the code will not allow it, then it might be a trick to link the islands as in the "adventure mode", where you are transported to another island. The trick is, that somehow make it so that you could go back if you choose to. For example, creating four ("teleporter") points NESW, where if reached with a raft, then you can transport. Now this web could not go on indefinetely, so I would restrict it to 5 or 6 islands. And not every map needs to have 4 points. Some could have 2, or 3, or 1, etc.

I am not sure if this is possible or easier to code than coding for much larger maps. But if done, it could improve the richness and dynamics of the game.

On the other hand, my favorite setting is smallest island + hardest mode. Like in chess, the simplicity of the map can become very difficult to handle.


Jack, again, good job, but I still think the sack and storage capacities are too high, and that the fire and forge consume too little. Call me old fashioned.

GREAT new torch!
edited 2×, last 28.11.12 04:09:19 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

user JasJack67 has written
kname....ill download it and check it out.

can you please remove all the outdated links you have posted? We dont need many 30 MB download links scattered throughout the thread. Just leave your "latest" link and remove the outdated links....makes it hard for others to find the right link for the survivalist mod.

this thread was to be a download for The Survivalist only.

dont take this message the wrong way...i have absolutely NO problem with your content, and it's great work...I just dont like having links posted all over the stay on top of removing old ones as you post a new 30MB download.


or post the link in your signature and inform us when you update it

Sorry about those, ill take them down right now. If anyone wants the old ones just send me a message and I'll send you the link.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Jack, I played 3 weeks the 11/22 version. Great work with descriptions and tips, whale, torch, new hammer, better graphics, new items, etc.

Maybe you want to consider, in hardest mode, to:

1.     Decrease carrying capacity
2.     Decrease storage capacity on all storages
3.     Increase the campfire’s fuel consumption. AND reduce its charcoal output. But make it so that we can throw almost anything into the fire (It would probably be a pain in the neck to tweak all the items I know, but it would be a bit more realistic, everything burns!)
4. Increase the forge's charcoal consumption!
5.     Soft iron can be stored in stone storage. We should be able to storage any mineral crap, or at least, anything that we could use on the forge.
6.     Spears = 1 iron head + long shaft + cord or vine
7.     Bamboo can be stored in wood storage.
8.     Increase fatigue usage. We need more sleep.
9.     Decrease Coffee bonus.
10.     Make rocks more difficult to climb.
11.     Decrease fruit plant output, and sheep (milk and wool) output. And although kinda of cool, cuz I rounded them up into my camp, the sheep were spawning very fast... I had 6 into my camp in the first 3 weeks, and there were more in my surroundings, too easy!
12.     Decrease Fish availability.
13.     I had problems with the distiller. Once built upon campfire, it asked me for a distiller. But I could not build it.

B)     Questions

•     Is there a way to turn off the torches without having to retrieve the fuel and wait for it to die out?

•     Can we build stone spears?

C)     Ideas.

•     All foods decay. Some more than others. And depending where stored. Therefore, the value of cooking and good storage buildings, and cooking pot, etc. Otherwise the fancy buildings are worthless. BTW, maybe you want make a storage solely for food meats, for fruits, for fish. I am sure some people have coded food decay already!

•     Suffer fatigue damage under the rain if not under shelter. And the better the shelter the better the shield.

•     We can find one Famous Pirate’s treasure = unlocks pirate on the island. Then several treasure items that can
be traded with pirate (makes you explore the big islands).
edited 5×, last 28.11.12 07:59:10 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

To All:
The latest update is 11-22-2012 available on page #1 in the opening post of this thread, or in my signature on any of my posts. To learn more about "The Survivalist" see page #1 at the top.

nice Aedolaws...thanks for the feedback.

Ill go over the list again and check some of that out...the distiller should be fine, once you combine the items to make the distiller it will appear in your rucksack as a item...THEN when you go to build it with your hammer from the production menu it will build it. if you try to build it from the production menu without having it in your rucksack you can not build it...cause you dont have on in your rucksack. (cooking pot is the same, combo first then build)

just like the have to make the tent kit and have it in your rucksack as an item...before you can build it.

I will be tweaking spawning of animals...with each update i have been doing so...I figured out as of late from the old MassiveMod that the sheep also have a "breeding" spawn, so yeah i can see sheep spawning to fast wen I added the additional spawn from coconut trees.

i will go over the "combos" listed in the diary again...should be able to build stone spear yes...

you can turn off your torch or lantern early by dropping it on the ground. (simulating you are turning it off), but the other torches have to run out of fuel yes ( i need to make them burn fuel faster too i think) or you could really tear it down and rebuild it fast as it is only a couple branches n wool to build one. easy. maybe i can figure a way to turn em off...ill check it out.

I will continue to tweak storage capacities and health generation as each updates is released. I also have to play the game to find out what is needed or helpful and this takes time on top of the other stuff. THANK YOU FOR FEEDBACK...this helps me get this stuff done alot faster.


thank you bro! I will be looking into your work deeper on these downloads soon as I can...I am very interested I just need the time. Im not putting you off, I just need to the time to put it all together and see what will add to this mod without taking away the "survival" aspect. Or what I will need to fix or change to accommodate the ideas. Please be patient with me
edited 1×, last 28.11.12 08:48:45 am
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