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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

well yeah if you lower the land....that happens with all objects in the game.

if you lower the land and then leave and come back, the object settles in the hole you made...yes

but that is not a bug and there is nothing i can do to change it. Just dont lower the land unless you want to sink something on purpose lol.

old bug liver as water container

User Off Offline

when i made some liver water container.
and fill it with water from rock that has some water.
it was a success....
then i fill the second container and the third and the 4th, all said it was success.

but ... in the invetory there was only 1 container with water inside...
where did my 2nd, 3rd n 4th container go...?
it'c gone..

have you fix that bug..?

Ps. i like raptor hunter gamein big island. silence the background music n hunt those crawler for weeks.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

hi maximus...

hey thats was not a bug i dont think, i checked it out.

I think what you did is stand before the water rock and "use" the liver water skin. That does not fill the liver with water.

if you stand anywhere away from can "use" the liver water skin and it makes a bottle.

so i think you stood at the rock and thought you filled the livers, but you actually just made bottles.

NOW you have to take the bottle to the water rock and "use" them to fill em. You may have gotten 1 bottle of water from a bottle being in your hand at the time you started making the water skins.


old frying

User Off Offline

Hey youre right.

My mistake.

Ow yeah... one more...
dont you think the cooking time is waaaay too long...?
well... at least thet's what i thought.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

new update? awesome! and you're right about the sinking bug. I'm so stupid lol. now that you mention it, I remember to lower the ground everytime I found it sinks. that is just so funny to figure out.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

hey max...

the cooking time decreases the higher your skill goes it is even shorter on easy mode etc...If you wanna check the skill levels info, click the "character" tab next to the ingame diary. Then click on a skill and you will se a discription of them.

You start at skill level 1 and advance up 200...this will be extended in a later update, as getting to skill 200 in all skills, can be achieved in about 90 game days. If you didnt do anything BUT level skills you could probably do it in less time, but the game has alot to draw ya away from skill leveling.

hey txt...
yeah, its actually like real...if i dig, lowering the ground under house, it will surly sink. But...using this method can actually help you when building camps...sometimes when getting creative. Like i have sunk a forge lower in the ground when i covered it with a lower the forge first, then re-save, and then build the hut over alot of head room in the hut.

also forge was on a hillside, so i dug around it sinking it to level ground, so i can build a hut over it, as building a hut on the side of a hill leaves little room inside...

stuff like that

i forgot to add on my to-do list, but i DID make digging less exhaustive in this update, you should be able to dig several more digs before your energy is gone. It was to extreme to dig 4 times and have to sleep...

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

hmm.and may be make digging consume less energy when your skill go up. hey that sound interesting. so now I could build a dirt fortress to help myself.
by the way tomorrow is near. let's celebrate the new version!
edit: and you fixed the lag. wow.

old bottomless??

User Off Offline

The rain water on the round rock cannot run dry if i took the water wit water container.
but it will dry out if i drink it directly from the stone

i abused it once last nigt
my bad.

ow yeah 'wood storage' is almost equal to 'campfire'
since they have some similarities. which is storing brances, even logs

by the way.
have you ever wondering about combining stranded 'the massive mod-survivalist' with stranded 'titanium' ?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

BANNED Off Offline

well I haven't try titanium yet but it sound good too and by the way I like the idea about the fort if we build palisade on the high ground and make a low ground the entrance this will be the ultimate defend! I could also build guard tower around it and at the entrance! I will build those and call it "Da Fort"!

old New Update 01-17-2013 Posted On Page One

Super User Off Offline

New Update has been posted. Download from page 1 or my signature in any of my posts.

be sure the read the CHANGE LOG and the README.TXT

this update includes a Printable Instructions Manual created from WordPad.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

I really like this new update. I haven't gotten very far but what I' have seen is impressive. I like the timer at the beginning of the day because it makes eating before you sleep more important since you cant eat immediately after you wake up and shave some hunger off that way. I am concerned about the increased forge capacity since it may make it harder to make steel, but that might also be an advantage since steel should be harder to make anyway. I will see what I can do to add more items that the pirate can sell.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hey all...before i uploaded the UPDATE i was testing the weather against the campfire...well i forgot to change the weather pattern ratio back to normal. So you will have rain 99% of every day. LOL sorry.

6 people downloaded will have to re-download to get the fix...or fix it your self as below:

1) Go to the folder mods\massivemod\sys\game.inf
2) Open it and scroll down a little bit untill you see the script saying on:random {.
3) Look in the script for the lines near the tops that say:

on:random {
if ($random<=98){
timer 0,$tmp,1,"climate";
weather 3;
if ($random>=99){
weather 0;
freetimers 0,1;

4)change the 98 and 99 as below to 15 & 16.

on:random {
if ($random<=15){
timer 0,$tmp,1,"climate";
weather 3;
if ($random>=16){
weather 0;
freetimers 0,1;

5)Select FILE and SAVE...done.

sorry about that...i have put up the link for the new correct download too, for the rest.

p.s. Ty kname! glad your liking it! Lots of change log
edited 2×, last 17.01.13 06:47:43 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

hello kenefa...hey...good find. The Clay Cooking Pot was removed from the game.

assuming you downloaded the update, and want to play your saved game? You need to start your saved game back in the old update, destroy the clay cooking pot you built. and RE-SAVE your game.

then copy the save over to the new update. The clay Cooking Pot is was removed from the game so you get the error. Sorry about that, i didnt include that in the readme.txt in the update.

I have a couple other fixes there for saved games. such as barrels may have to be destroyed in a old save too

txt...thanks i already fixed that link

good looking out !
edited 1×, last 17.01.13 11:25:39 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

nah it's the Clay Cooking Pot in his positive.

and I have a list in the README.txt file in the update...telling others how to fix a "save" to so it will work in this new update.

old Fly Rod Unlock Patch

Super User Off Offline

Hey guys...i made a mistake with the Fly Rod unlocking at fishing skill level 75.

if you downloaded the 01-17-2013 version you WILL need the patch to unlock the Fly Rod properly.

A Fly Rod patch 01-17-2013 is posted on page 1 at the top. Tiny file to add, won't take but a second to download. Will allow your Fly Rod to unlock at skill level 75. Or at midnight if your already passed level 75.

If you downloaded the 01-18-2013 FullGame+FlyRod Patch version posted on page 1 you do NOT need the patch.
edited 3×, last 18.01.13 02:58:03 pm
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