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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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I just have a small mod for you today. I made a potion of command that keeps something from attacking you for a short while, allowing you to more easily kill it. I plan to make more potions like this to give the shaman a use but I figured that you might have some other ideas about how to acquire them.

Spoiler >

I'm also hoping you can give it a better graphic than just the health potion one.

Edit: Ok I lied about only doing one thing today, here's a potion that reallocates your skills.

Spoiler >

Edited to save space.
edited 2×, last 28.11.12 09:42:14 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

nice work kname!

I like the potion of command...but why would you want to reset your skills to random levels with the potion of chaos? that i do not understand.

im still maintaining the thought of "realism survival" with this mod, if it seems unreal I would rather not have it in the game. However...the potion of command can simulate many "real" things, so i like that one

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Downloaded and using the Thanksgiving addition.

I ran ten medium sized islands on hard and couldn't find any water rocks dry or full of water on any of the islands. It is kind of hard to make a forge without one.

I also think you gain thirst as rapidly as you can collect leaves and clay and make bottles - meaning you end up pretty much staving off your thirst without much else you can do or you get injured due to thirst.

I am uncertain about the 4 days a watering for plants. I have a real life garden in the Central Valley California, we do not get but a couple three days of rain in summer with 100F degree days and I do not need to water my garden but once a fortnight. The chief reason for that is because I dumped 13 years worth of organic composted matter and mixed in with the sandy soil.

I would assume that with all of those plants on these islands and that green, green grass that there is a lot of natural water retention in the soils, thus watering every 4 days seems a bit too much.

Tent should be the easiest thing to make. Is essentially sticks hide and string/rope/vine.

Might I suggest dropping the requirements for level ten or whatever level for the tent and change the ingredients to 3-5 hides, a few branches and a bit of vine?

On easy I note that there is no large meat animals that you can get large meat for the stew/soup pot. You might want to consider something that spawns sheep so on easy one can still find large meat.

As for the soup/stew balance (sweet/salt) salt doesn't necessarily dehydrate a person, salty can actually be good in a tropical setting where you are sweating out vital salts, thus a salty soup would reduce the effects of water loss and would reduce thirst a bit more than you might think.

I'm really uncertain about hunting whales... it just feels so wrong on so many levels.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline


hey thank you for the feedback...

Those smaller rocks you see around should be carved into hollow rocks with your hammer (hit one 50 times). You must hollow those rocks to catch water, or build a forge.

I would in "real life" prepare for the first rainday... to gather fresh water, as much as I could with the supplies at hand.
Hollow rocks when you have the energy to do so, so when it rains you have some time to gather it up. Do not wait to long though, as it evaporates over time/days.

You can also build a Distiller over a campfire and put saltwater in it to distill into drinking water. Once added, cooking it over the fire you get back, salt and fresh water, from the saltwater. (see your diary for instructions)

this is in addition to collecting leaves and squeeze them with a rock to get water...

if you are on easy mode you have no lions or raptors so yes you would find large meat from sheep ...I will make the turtle provide large meat on easy level in the next update. *good find

The coconut tree spawns sheep on occasion...and if you have 2 or more sheep they will occasionally "breed" spawning new sheep...but they must remain close enough together to breed.

I agree with the tent concept and watering plants concept...I will be adjusting them for the next update.

Yes the ground has ample water...later in the game when you unlock the Water Pump you can use your shovel to prospect for underground springs and then pump the water out with a Water Pump. You just have to get that far first.

Thanks again for the feedback!
You can leave a vote at the top of the thread too.
Now go hollow that rock out !
edited 5×, last 01.12.12 10:17:04 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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I have another pair of potions and a plan for the shaman for you today. These potions modify your hunger and thirst and can be helpful if you have too much of one kind of resource. They should however be made to be expensive because of the potential to make the game too easy.

Spoiler >

The other thing that I'm bringing today is the plan for the shaman. Instead of just trading for potions like in the original stranded 2, or gathering herbs/potions like my other villagers, I think it would be best for the shaman to sell the knowledge to create the potions by unlocking the combinations. Once I finish making my potions and running them past JasJack to make sure they fit the game, I'll set up the shaman.

Edit: I forgot to put the code in spoilers again.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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user JasJack67 has written

hey thank you for the feedback...

Those smaller rocks you see around should be carved into hollow rocks with your hammer (hit one 50 times). You must hollow those rocks to catch water, or build a forge.

I would in "real life" prepare for the first rainday... to gather fresh water, as much as I could with the supplies at hand.
Hollow rocks when you have the energy to do so, so when it rains you have some time to gather it up. Do not wait to long though, as it evaporates over time/days.

You can also build a Distiller over a campfire and put saltwater in it to distill into drinking water. Once added, cooking it over the fire you get back, salt and fresh water, from the saltwater. (see your diary for instructions)

this is in addition to collecting leaves and squeeze them with a rock to get water...

if you are on easy mode you have no lions or raptors so yes you would find large meat from sheep ...I will make the turtle provide large meat on easy level in the next update. *good find

The coconut tree spawns sheep on occasion...and if you have 2 or more sheep they will occasionally "breed" spawning new sheep...but they must remain close enough together to breed.

I agree with the tent concept and watering plants concept...I will be adjusting them for the next update.

Yes the ground has ample water...later in the game when you unlock the Water Pump you can use your shovel to prospect for underground springs and then pump the water out with a Water Pump. You just have to get that far first.

Thanks again for the feedback!
You can leave a vote at the top of the thread too.
Now go hollow that rock out !

Ah well I didn't know that hammering on a small rock would hollow it out. I got used to the whole idea that hammering on rocks ultimately destroys them.

Thus I took to hitting a large stone only 30 times a day and only hitting on small stones when I want to get rid of one.

I think what throws me is the warning in the spawn section that one can extinct species, thus be careful when hammering/picking, etc.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

wow nice man...your getting faster at this
I think a whole colection of potions for trade would add to the mix for the trading aspect.

I will try to get to it soon as possible...i still have some other things to work through for the later game play. Like I have just added a more real weather pattern to rain....where it will thunder and lightning before rain and after and intermitting raining of can see my "to do" list on page one.

than I will see about this trade aspect...


you stand correct in your position...The diary would be misleading. I have edited the diary adding the Hollow Rock with it own instructions...also the Water Pump, and some more info to help players along ingame.

thank you for your feed back, and sorry for that, as you probably went crazy trying to make a forge. very sorry.

In the future as far as hitting can save your game first and beat something till it dies and you can know how many hits for a object before it is destroyed...then "reload" your save from before you started hitting. I would not consider that cheating at all, infact, i recommend it.

If i can fit it in my to do list, I plan to have all weapons tell their hit damage in their descriptions, or on their icon. Also a list of objects showing their "life" hit points. That would help players alot i think.

Also note: Currently in the latest update 11-22 all spawn objects and important objects have a very high life can beat them a long time before they will die...verses other non-important stuff like a flower that dies with 1 hit, or a fern that dies in 2 hits. If it is a object that spawns animals, or an object (like the hollow rock) you can beat it atleast 50 times and animal spawn objects more like 100x. ( like a banana tree or iron rock) I did that on purpose to help players who do not read the diary and just jump right into playing the game. This is also based on wether you can plant something to replace a coffee tree or tomato bush, these would have a lower life bar. In real life it would be important to store 1 of each seed/fruit/or grain in case you need to bring them back from extinction.

but I should be able to get the damage/health attached to the weapons and objects for the next update, so it can be plainly seen and determined when you will destroy something.
edited 3×, last 01.12.12 07:48:30 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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I ran out of realistic potions to add so I decided to add skill guides for the shaman to sell. They will help with the skills that have no real purpose until higher levels like fishing but increase by enough that they should be on the expensive side.

Spoiler >

This first one is just an example of the lumbering guide.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

hi Firefly...hey I need to get more of my "to do " list completed before I post a new update. If you look on page one at the top my "Next Update" tab will show my progress thus far.

thank you for your enthusiasm :p

my latest fix was Campfire & Torch under cover from a hut or tepee will stay lit in the rain. Im going to add the shelters too soon as possible.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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So I'm playing a large, "normal" map of the Thanksgiving edition.

A few more things I note.

1. Baking bread takes 8 game hours. That is way too long. I bake bread every winter in real life and the longest it takes is 3 hours with 2.5 hours being the average, that is from the time I gather up my ingredients to the time I take a steaming, hot loaf out of the oven.

Even with two raising periods. you may want to seriously consider reducing the baking time for bread to about 1/4 of its current time, thus making it two game hours.

2. Cooking pot - it is still confusing. I figured a bottle of goat milk, 15 tomatoes and a pinch of salt would lead to a tomato soup - sounds simple, right?

According to my pot I have 3 servings with 0 hunger and -.238... for thirst.

I went out and slaughtered a sheep, added a bit of mutton, now I have 0 hunger and 0 thirst.

Ok may be it needs to cook a bit longer, waited three days and still 0 hunger, 0 thirst.

Either its not working or its just way too complicated to use. I might as well have not wasted the clay and the tomatoes.

This whole balancing act between sweet and salt doesn't compute in my head.

Wouldn't it be simpler to just have the cooking of things in the pot add thirst and hunger points to what's in the pot? Simple recipes like, salt+milk+tomatoes making tomato soup.

People are going to think in terms of what sounds good for a pot of stew and not think in terms of balancing the PH or figuring out how to keep it at 1 (whatever that really means).

Right now I have a camp fire for the distiller (distilling sea water constantly), one for the grill and now one for the cook-pot - Do you know how much charcoal I have? over 3000 pieces.

3. Collecting leaves for water from shrubbery, I now have over 280 starch which I have no idea what I will use it for. Seems a bit excessive.

4. I now have 8 lions, which are roaming further from their stone. The only thing I can make is a bow (short one) since I can not locate coal dust to make steel to make the machete to make the long bow.

As a bow hunter in real life I assure you a short bow used effectively can bring down a deer or other large critter with one shot. I use a 60# long bow for big game hunting - yes it requires a bit of skill to get one shot one kill, however I used over 30 stone tipped arrow heads and still the lion didn't drop with the short bow. That is excessive.

Stone and steel tipped arrows do the same amount of damage in real life, if stone tipped arrows were ineffective, the bow and arrow would never have stuck around.

Flint tipped ones were typical of the stone age. Flint when chipped with a stone at the correct angle can make razor sharp edges. Flint is glass-like and get that really sharp cutting edge.

5. Sharpening the Axe: Ok, that's realistic, but I never have to remove the head to my real life axe in order to sharpen it and I would never, ever use flint to sharpen an axe. I have a (one) sharpening stone which is a sedimentary type stone and it has lasted hundreds, if not thousands of tool sharpening.

Perhaps consider taking a stone and a hammer to fashion a sharpening stone that can be used 50-100 times to sharpen tools, this way you can sharpen the machete, the sythe, the axe and even the knife.

Flint can be used to make arrowheads, sharper knives (which do more damage, or do more things)

6. The Cave: Each map generates a cave on the surface - does that do anything?

7. Lastly, in the center of the map the exact center there are a few spawning objects that pile up. Shells and charcoal are two that I know of. On three maps I ran I went to the center of the island and sure enough the pile of shells (looks likes one until you start clicking) develops over time. I even made maps to check the location.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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user Bowyn has written

1. While I agree that bread does take a bit longer than it should to cook, you need to consider the balancing of the game as well as the realism. Making it cook very quickly would mean that it couldn't fill you up nearly as much as it does now. I do think that the cooking time should be reduced, but only as low as 6 hours.

2. The cooking pot has been broken ever since it was originally introduced. I personally think that it will take too much effort to make it work the way builder intended and should just be scrapped, but there is something to be said to reworking it and making it more simple. I don't think that that should be a high priority though. I would rather Jasjack add multiple things that are easier to make then waste time trying to salvage a failed object.

3. I think that starch is only currently used to make paper right now, and that should definitely be added to. However, you should only rarely be trying to gather from shrubberies since they give so few leaves.

4. This is another time that realism will have to be overlooked in favor of gameplay balance. While stone arrowheads should be more effective than they are, There would be very little room for improvement if they could one-hit a lion with only a short bow. One possibility that could come in later updates is a hunting script similar to Lion_Hearted's. It would make your hunting skill much more important to accuracy or damage and may actually make it feasible to one-hit a lion, if you have a high enough hunting skill.

5. I like this idea. It is easy to make, adds realism without taking away form the gameplay, and means that I don't have to waste any more nails on a dull axe. In fact, it should be fairly easy to make tools more or less effective based on how sharp they are. That would allow well established people to use their tools more effectively without crippling those just starting an island.

6. The cave acts as shelter and is useful for your first few days on the island.

7. I haven't noticed that myself, but that sounds like a flaw in the code to spawn objects on the beaches every day. I'll look into it.

Thanks for the feedback. I'll see what I can do to help Jasjack with the problems you pointed out.
edited 1×, last 13.12.12 05:55:10 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

thanks again bowyn for the feed back...

I am aware of the bug spawning objects in the middle of the island, shells n charcoal. I am now looking for the solution to the bug...thanks.

Alot of what you said i agree with...

I have added stepping stones and will be adding some other items soon that will use up extra charocoal, snail slime and a few other things that seem to accumulate over time in the game.

an example is the black stepping stones will use alot of charcoal as coloring to make them black.

I have been undecided about the clay cooking pot, had thought of deleting it from the game, but If i can find time to work on it I would make it more user friendly yes.

as far as the flint or stone for sharpening or having to take them apart and such....some things only "simulate" actions that would need to be taken in real life. Would not matter if it is a stone or flint, what matters is you do have to sharpen axes, and occasionally in my experience i have had to re-nail the heads and drive wedges in the end to hold the head on many many occasions.

what you have to keep in mind is if you really got stuck on an island i doubt you would have crafted an axe like you buy at the hardware store, but more of a make-shift axe that requires your attention a little bit more often. Same with all the other stuff. I will be working to improve this mod over time though, and thank you for the feed back.

and for spawning animals...yes it is a "random" occurrence on the islands. Some may have only a couple lions spawn over months and some may have many...I can only suggest go kill them to depopulate the over time you will have control over the island as in real life...if you survive and continue playing.

The last thing i can add is there will be unique experiences for everyone for each new game you play...they wont all be the same.

ps. oh ,coal dust is made from coal nuggets being smashed with a hammer or stone. You can not find coal nuggets until your skill level in mining is high enough. Same with saltpeter & sulfer...Unless your on easy level...otherwise you will find them in iron rock, clay rock, and even regular rock once your skill leveled.
edited 1×, last 03.12.12 07:22:24 pm

old multiplayer

User Off Offline

how do i enable multiplayer each time i start it tels me parameter must be positive i have windows 7 so i started it with the windows 7 fix on the official site
start strandedIIWindows_7 exe -mod "massive mod"
fix and then it told me achievements are set to max 500 and then when i go back in game inf the line doesnt exist anymore does someone have the solution

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

hi daymickcorr...the only knowledge i have about multi player is to enable and disable it in the game.inf file.

If you go to the \mods\sys\game.inf the first few lines you will see this:


change that to:


then SAVE under FILE.

When you enter the multiplayer tab you will have online options, LAN options, or create a map option.

That is all i know about multiplayer as I have never used it, nor did I do anything with The Survivalist in order to play it multiplayer. That is why I disabled it in this mod's game file.

Come back and let me know if you actually play a multiplayer game and how you did it please. If your actually looking to play the regular Stranded 2 multiplayer, then your in the wrong thread lol.

old multiplayer

User Off Offline

no it doesnt work ive already tried but i will find a way and yes its to play multiplayer with the mod

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

hmmm...that very interesting. I will have to research this a bit, as I am unfamiliar with all that.

I went to my game.inf changed it from 0 to 1 and it worked for me ingame...when i click the tab ingame it shows a menu and i even went into the default map by myself, though nobody else was online obviously. I just was testing it out.
but i will look into it more when i have time...

maybe that windows7 patch did not address the multiplayer aspect or something idk...i didnt use the patch and I have Vista...and it worked.

sorry...maybe ask in another part of the forum to address problems.

old multiplayer

User Off Offline

ok i found how yo make it work but the water is black and on my menu screen i have a 1 in the middle of the screen

ive done it by using the oracle multiplayer i copied all extra content of it and putted it in the good files in the mod
then i had to rename the mod Stranded II instead of Massive mod
After that go in the sys rename lang_english.inf to lang_.inf
and in game.inf enable multiplayer and delete the achievment line menu_achievement limit_achievement save you start the game with the .exe of the oracle multiplayer no use of massive mod .exe

ok no water comes up after a moment but i cant build anything and havent changed any .inf so its the .exe i think
edited 3×, last 05.12.12 03:22:43 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

hi ohaz...thanks for the tip.

Nah, I won't be doing a multiplayer mod. Thank you for the confirmation. I am not that skilled, or atleast I do not have the time to integrate such a big project.
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