
Are you dumb? I already said that SIII will have multiplayer... 

sorry dc i don't see that
and thx you sooooo much for create S III


Good luck, might I just say! Your palm shadow trouble would be relatively easy to fix, you need to calculate which parts of the bottom faces are above ground and go from there in a manner similar to finding the point of interection of the two lines, once that is done you can construct temporary faces to do the shadow calculations. A question: Are you using shaders or a CPU-based shadow engine?
Like an weekly video!

An Game Dev stuff.
But problaly you don't have time

He have a life? - am...

I have basic ideas and concepts in my mind but no real design document.
Can you post some features?
Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments
Deleted User Unrealsoftware: has written
When will XYZ be done? When will it be released/updated?
We simply don't know it and we also can't estimate it! Unreal Software is just a hobby game developer and there are no strict schedules.So please do not ask! There will be no answer!
(XYZ = any game/program/... of Unreal Software)
We simply don't know it and we also can't estimate it! Unreal Software is just a hobby game developer and there are no strict schedules.So please do not ask! There will be no answer!
(XYZ = any game/program/... of Unreal Software)

Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments
Deleted User
Just removed a shitload of posts that commented an obvious troll flame post. Please IGNORE such posts and do NOT quote them and do NOT reply! You are only making my life X times harder that way. Thanks... 

Anyway... So as I understood stranded will be Block-Based?
Will there be mining? :DDD?