We almost never reach beyond 25 (without bots) BcY Reviewer
I still think it should be done and free to choose.If a server owner thinks the server cant run over 32 players then he may not use more slots.
Also it wont be a problem to make maps and lua for 32+ slots for who wants to make it.
Mami Tomoe: so this means you are a new boy into cs2d.I remember the days well when there were 32/32 servers.I know,i know it was past but its not impossible to see again. @
BcY: Actually I remember old times in CS2D with lots of happy-towns and such.
Currently, "changelevel" without arguments tries to load /maps/.map Instead when called without arguments, let it reload the current map as if it was changing the map (Lua state resets etc.)
Should return the public IP as seen by the masterserver, unless there's another way to find out a server's IP with a Lua script
"lefthanded players"
player or
reqcld to check if player using the right/left hand setting
I don't know if it's a good idea to return the rcon password to Lua scripts so easily: game("sv_rcon")
Can accept a number 0-2 to quickswitch a team Landmark at a specific places on the map, just like on CS 1.6

Jaxify: It can be scripted with Lua very easily without an hassle as long you get used to Lua and CS2D tenets. @
GeoB99: Would be better if it was built in. @
Mami Tomoe: How would the CS2D engine recognise the current area based on tiles? Tiles vary and with even more tiles being created and used there is simply no way to know what the mapper is creating. If I put walls on either side and make a straight line this could be a bridge, tunnel, boat, plain etc!
Now you may say; "Hey, create a bloody entity so mappers can put in the area you are in!" - But guess what, sometimes you don't want to. Minecraft, roleplay, happytown maps etc do not need this and thus the best way to do this would be with Lua, not core code. @
Yates: Like the hurt entity
Admin/mod comment
Please, next time refrain at quoting the full user's post which is above you! Quote removed. /ZxC Another Anti-DoS idea!
Running default server with one player.
Average packet size: 70.25 bytes
Average packet rate: 74 packets/sec
Data byte rate: 5222 bytes/s
If DC would add in every packet custom payload like:
"CS2D: " (6bytes)
We could simply whitelist every packet using iptables
-m string --algo kmp --hex-string '|435332443a20|'
short message won't eat much, also its great way to deface attacks from windows popular software like loic, udpunicorn and other crap.
I already made filter for USGN add server/version check and filter big packets(Then player joins server), but I couldn't found way to filter then they are playing.. payload looks random, if I make something like this:
-m length --length 28:150 -m limit --limit 100/s -j ACCEPT
All Players in the Server would instantly freeze is someone tries to flood with small packets.
How about adding more resolution options, atm we have only 4:3 and weird one. What about 1280x720 1600x900 1920x1080?
Also HUD upscaling option would be cool, which could change text/pointer size
1. Buy menu shouldn't appear if you're not in buyzone. Just red message that you're not in buyzone instead of menu.
2. I shouldn't be able to votekick teammates because it's useless. I know that's possible to do in Lua but in my opinion it should be inbuilt into the game.
3. The sound should work by default in game without installation additional drivers. #linux @
Hajt: I will admit that having sound opposed to having no sound is a logical choice. But Linux systems were build that way to let the user choose what packages/libraries are installed.
DC would have to make an installer special for Linux, and truth be told only 1.4% of gamers use Linux. So creating an installer for a mere hundred people who have played the game is a bit waste of time
I think I'm going to mark this thread as important because it's used quite often.
My idea: Since the mods feature was just added, there should be a extra feature on it that when a Lua script's file name has a cl_ prefix, that file should be sent and executed on the client. Or either add a function that would allow us to add .lua files to the servertransfer while the server-side Lua scripts are booting.
* If you think that using a client-side Lua state is unsafe to the client, you're completely wrong. You can contact me and I'll teach you all the security measures I know that could be used for Lua. My idea is
Advanced Tiles Blending?
- This is normal Tiles got blending. But, it still ugly.

- If i blending that tiles, tiles will be like this.
HPB User
Hi, since the last update the [Say: ] box will be covered by some server's HUDTXTs, so I came to ask for a few things.
Being able to move the [Say: ] box.
The [Say: ] box will cover the HUDTXTs
Why not to ask the servers to fix the HUDTXTs?
Because there are many servers (including mine) that has this issue (1024x768 only!). HPB User
A little addition to Color dialog box, text boxes in place of RGB value.

Copy, Cut, Paste, Find, and Replace tile in Editor. edited 1×, last 01.07.16 08:34:29 am
I suggest to add the upgradeobject command.
Working similar to the
damageobject command, but instead of performing a repair, it should perform a upgrade.
Or either make
damageobject be able to upgrade objects. Being able to go into options, controls and change my buy menú control to mouse5 or any other extra buttons I have on my mouse, cause I can't and I even tried changing it in the config and it still didn't work.