What ISP is that? Never heard of that in Finland
What ISP is that? Never heard of that in Finland
(it's the network of his university)
But still
Sucks for server hosting though.
Upload :: 11 kB/s (90 Kbps)
I used TestMyNet because SpeedTest didn't load...
edited 3×, last 01.06.16 06:52:58 pm
I wonder how they calculate those stars?
P.S: Sorry for posting on old thread.
There's a little more to consider, such as ISP rating, country and whatnot but the above is the basic priciple.
ISP 1 users have average speeds of A grade
ISP 2 users have average speeds of B grade
ISP 1 is rated 5 stars
ISP 2 is rated 4 stars
Not the internet speed of a single user.
Basically what I'm trying to say is that the stars represent how good ISP is, not the user of it.
P.S. There's nothing wrong with reviving old threads as long as your reply is actually useful. This thread asks to post your speed which you did, it's all good. Not to mention that I removed one reply which WAS useless which made this thread appear on portal site.
my internet i have 2
edited 1×, last 01.02.17 03:55:13 am
Download Speed : 5.46 mbps
Upload Speed : 0.63 Mbps
And that goes to Berlin.
* Mic Drop *