Skins/Texture/Others on own server
Skins/Texture/Others on own server
6 replies hi guys !
Could anybody give me "Tutorial" how to edit etc. skins/texture/etc on my server ?
For example i download this texture of turrets ... and i would like to have them on my server :
what do i need to do , to get them working properly .
Regards example:
File does not exist (4649)
put the turrets in cs2d/gfx/weapons/
but only you see this skin! but i want everyone to see my turrets on the server ... For example they are getting in my server they see all the textures what are in my server . That isn't possible because they haven't the same skins.
Or you make it with Lua... so i have to make a new lua script to get those textures working for everyone on server ? my server yes.
The lua must cover the normal skins (with your skinns) is there any examples all ready created ? or anything where i will have less work with it ? btw merry christmas GermanysKiller and rest of the users reading this .