It would be nice if you can edit the "Fire in the hole" msg , like i wanna edit it into "Grenade!"
You can do it now. Replace file: Counter-Strike 2D/sfx/radio/fireinhole.ogg
You can do it now. Replace file: Counter-Strike 2D/sfx/radio/fireinhole.ogg
That just replaces the audio. The text cannot be edited without the aid of a hex-editor (which is illegal).
Although, customised radio messages is a good idea.
You can do it now. Replace file: Counter-Strike 2D/sfx/radio/fireinhole.ogg
That just replaces the audio. The text cannot be edited without the aid of a hex-editor (which is illegal).
Although, customised radio messages is a good idea.
You could use msg and some colors to emulate the effect.
And if multiple colors does get included you could also use that.
edit the "Fire in the hole" msg
The msg not the sound, -.- i got sound for it too...
You could use msg and some colors to emulate the effect.
I mean I know DC reads all updates to this thread but a user posting ideas just gonna repost something that's already been posted (nobody cares 'bout search).
LOL 93 pages of superb ideas and spam and shit. Maybe this thread needs to be kinda sweeped to the bin. And a new topic regarding ideas for beta release should be made. And ideas should be submitted considering what has been implemented into alpha release. I mean which of your ideas you feel are not gonna make it should not be reposted (if there is a new thread).
I mean I know DC reads all updates to this thread but a user posting ideas just gonna repost something that's already been posted (nobody cares 'bout search).
I mean I know DC reads all updates to this thread but a user posting ideas just gonna repost something that's already been posted (nobody cares 'bout search).
we will wait for 1.2.0 to make the new thread.. and then itll be the exact saame thing.
addhook("say",_say()) function _say(id,message) 	msg(id.." "..message) end
Should work as well as...
addhook("say", 	function(id,message) 		msg(id.." "..message) 	end )
crashes the game
A* is pretty epic, bots move diagonally to minimize time to dest. However when the diagonal is adjacent to a wall the bot slides slowing down dramatically.
Instead of that, couldn't it just move in compass when it's beside a wall, and all directions when it's not?
edited 2×, last 02.02.12 09:50:02 am
It means the same thing really, you don't have to grammar nazi.
You could use msg and some colors to emulate the effect.
Actually the word "emulate" applies better here than "simulate", typically when there's something outdated, or no longer achievable due to incompatibilities, one must emulate the appearance or mechanics of whatever he/she is going for.
Please, don't be a dick.
Actually the word "emulate" applies better here than "simulate", typically when there's something outdated, or no longer achievable due to incompatibilities, one must emulate the appearance or mechanics of whatever he/she is going for.
And Engi called me a grammar nazi..
maybe incorporate them as an advanced tool?
because my older maps worked better when there was waypoints rather than the automatic bots