I can't seem to run public CS2D servers. I've tried a lot to get that working, i've tried everything, and i've given up. I really would like a server to run my zombie maps, and, i know it's a lot to ask of someone, but would anyone be willing to set up a rcon server running my zm_maps? (in my upload file). I would do anything (within reason) to repay you. thanks

Server hoster?
5 replies

I can't seem to run public CS2D servers. I've tried a lot to get that working, i've tried everything, and i've given up. I really would like a server to run my zombie maps, and, i know it's a lot to ask of someone, but would anyone be willing to set up a rcon server running my zm_maps? (in my upload file). I would do anything (within reason) to repay you. thanks
Note that all of the hosts above ask money.
@MrShock, who are roni and pyrocracker?
fizzykil has written
thanks for the rsponse, but the links don't work :(.
@MrShock, who are roni and pyrocracker?
@MrShock, who are roni and pyrocracker?
Roni and PyroCracker are users that can host you a server/s. But you need to pay for him.
Users -> Roni
Users -> PyroCracker
Ask them.