Need help
Need help
6 replies I know this ain't English but, you know English don't ya?
O well.. Over to the problem.. I can't get on the net game thigny, I hit "net game" and it seems like it likes to say "loading u.s.g.n" because it stays like it, please help me.. Really appreciate any help
Thanks in advance The u.s.g.n. is the Unreal softwares gaming network,
that is offline at the moment.
So IM(H)O you cant play online now. Allright, do you know when its back up?
Because if you look at cs 2d's website.. They say that like, 13 servers are up!!!!
Weiiiiird.. And I've made a few maps I want to play with my buddies.. even though we can play the real deal, counter strike, but itts waaaay harder to make maps there..
Impossible actually lol.. Nah, with a bit training and a good tutorial, you can grip the Hammer Editor!
Hm i dont know a thing about the servers (A have to say that im not looking very often at the CS2D site.
Wait untill "DC" is online, he can tell you what the matter is
Allrightey then...
So.. Dude,can you just.. Tell me a good tut for the hammer thingy, because I've tryed it before.. And I couldn't make objects lol..
It was to hard.. =P
i've seen some tut's, but not good ones.. The tut's I've found is like.. "Then you blabla take out blabla tool blabla" DON'T EVEN TELL WHERE STUFF ARE ! =(
I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, wanna make maps =P DC Admin
thats not right! the u.s.g.n. is not offline. its online. you should check firewall and router settings. you have to allow CounterStrike2D.exe to use tcp port 80 and udp port 36963 (at least in case you want to host a game).
Open the console with ^ after clicking at net game and tell me what it says.
however you can use "join by ip" to play too. Dude.. Look, my computer crash when I click on "net game"