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Englisch Join my I.M.S.C CS2D Modding Group.

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alt Join my I.M.S.C CS2D Modding Group.

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Hello there CS2D players and Modifiers.

I am creating a CS2D Modding/Modifying Group called Iron Man Skin Creators or simply I.M.S.C.

At this Modding Group, We create player skins, weapon skins, and LuaScripts.

So if you are interested to join my CS2D Modding Group, You have to post your application here at this thread.

Also, There are two parts in this group contains.

A). Skin and Sprite Creators.

In this part, We create skins like weapons,players,sprites and etc. for CS2D.

B). LuaScript Creators.

In this part, We create LuaScripts for CS2D like SpeedMod,
G-Mod,RP-Mod,TimeMod, and stuff.

So if you are interested, Post a application if you are joining
this CS2D Modding Group and verify if you are joining

These are the things you need for your application:

A). Skin and Sprite Creators.

Last Name:
Age (At least 11 to 17):
CS2D Name:
What skin do you modify?:

B). LuaScript Creators.

Last Name:
Age (At least 14 to whatever):
CS2D Name:
What LuaScript do you make?:

So thanks to you guys who are joining, I really appreciate it.

-Autobot Bumblebee/Leader of I.M.S.C-
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