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old why focusing on christians & muslims but not jews?

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This question has been baffling me for a while, when i come across an atheist guy (although I believe that atheism is made by jews, whatever) but something in the matter baffles me, as he (the atheist guy) claims that all religions are equal in his view, but you find him constantly attacking muslims and christians but ignoring jews as if they does not exist!

Although the jews played a major role in making history and civilizations and even today many countries are under the control of jewish politicians, the matter is not limited to israel only. So why that much focus on islam and christianity, even though they are so restrictive and have been for so long time!?

Can you name me a country that applies the teachings of christianity? well, there is none. Can you call me a country that applies the teachings of islam? if we excepted ISIS, there is none.

In fact, there is no country today that implements the teachings of it's religion except for israel, and yet no atheist is talking about that or even mentioning it.

Isn't that suspicious? I mean...we are in the age of technology and thousands of opinions are being presented left and right, but we still have never heard anyone criticize jews!? And if he did, he would be arrested and prosecuted for "anti-semitism" or whatever bullshit they would throw at him.

I am not posting conspiracy theories here, this is the truth. If anyone has another opinion, provide it with evidence please.

*Sorry for my bad English
edited 2×, last 03.01.23 05:56:13 pm

old Re: why focusing on christians & muslims but not jews?

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Sorry but what you're writing is just plain wrong. Germany for example is implementing teachings of Christianity. One of the biggest parties here is literally called "christian democratic union". We had laws that enforced that the only religion symbols that can be hung in classrooms are crosses. Most holidays we have over here are christian.

I think you're just being antisemitic.

old Re: why focusing on christians & muslims but not jews?

Mami Tomoe
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As a Jew, I can tell you that I get judged quite often for simply being born a Jew.

I don't exactly understand your point, are you assuming that all atheists are friendly to Jews?
I find that hard to believe.
Not all humans are the same (obviously), and grouping people for a certain reason (atheism) only to apply another reason onto them (rejecting non-Jewish religions) is far from reality.

That's like saying that all people who like the colour yellow also love lemonade as a result.
Those are two seperate things.

There are athesists that dislike Jews just as there are that like Jews.

Jewish (person)/Judaism (religion) is (mostly) interchangable in this comment.

old Re: why focusing on christians & muslims but not jews?

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user Mami Tomoe has written
As a Jew, I can tell you that I get judged quite often for simply being born a Jew.

I don't exactly understand your point, are you assuming that all atheists are friendly to Jews?
I find that hard to believe.
Not all humans are the same (obviously), and grouping people for a certain reason (atheism) only to apply another reason onto them (rejecting non-Jewish religions) is far from reality.

There are athesists that dislike Jews just as there are that like Jews.

I'm not saying that ALL atheists should be friends with ALL jews, I'm just saying that atheism was created by jews.

Just look around... newton, einstein, pythagoras, charles darwin, and many many more. All of these people who built the pillars of atheism were members of secret jewish movements (freemasonry, rosicrucian and others).

I have some respect for christians because (even if they are wrong in my view as a muslim) but at least they are not ashamed of their religion and do not use secret movements or these satanic methods to spread their religion.

In "The Protocols of Zion", the writer says that the jews must spread atheism among the rest of the nations! why tf would you do something like that!?

There are a lot of mind breaking things that the jews say in their literature and books. Sometimes you start to wonder if this was written by a human or just devil himself.

Jews are bad, just tell me one bad thing in this world and i bet you that i can find a link between it and jews.

user Alpha Beta has written
What's wrong with Jews? Nothing.
The only religion that is fundamentally evil would be Islam. Islam conquered half of the world in the middle ages on Muhammads command, and today most terrorist groups are Islamic.

I don't understand your point, i can classify you as a terrorist too, that doesn't really make you a bad person. +what's wrong with being a terrorist if it was against the bad people?

+Muhammad conquered half the world to spread islam (aka the true religion), if muhammad was able to spread it without war, he would have done so.

But this is how the world works... everything must be imposed by force, the real difference is who uses force to spread good and who uses it to spread evil.
edited 2×, last 29.12.22 07:36:59 pm

old Re: why focusing on christians & muslims but not jews?

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Very, very interesting...

user khaled1968 has written
In "The Protocols of Zion"

Well.. I never heard of this, but I looked it up and the first link I found was this:

It appears you have been deceived. The contents of the book are false. I'm sure everyone has been misled at least once in their life, and it serves as a learning experience to be corrected.

I won't blame you for falling for conspiracy theories because this:
Reason >

user khaled1968 has written
What's the problem with being a terrorist if it was against the bad people?

Ah, where do I begin...

To make a long story short, you never know who the bad guys are, and often the bad guys think you are the bad guys, so who are the bad guys in the end? Nobody. That means that even if you think you are being a terrorist against the bad guys, you are just killing innocent people when all is said and done.

user khaled1968 has written
I am not propagating conspiracy theories here, this is the reality.

It is often the case that many people sharing conspiracy theories truly do believe this.

user khaled1968 has written
+Muhammad conquered half the world to spread islam (aka the true religion), if muhammad was able to spread it without war, he would have done so.

One can not justify war like this. Islam and many other religions are based on the idea of incentivizing belief in one view of the world (via promises of afterlife and social pressure), and punishing skepticism and nonconformity (via same strategies), making it very successful at gaining and keeping followers, but as a side effect it also creates an extremely ideologically restricted social environment (which then makes further restrictions easier to enable... *cough* morality police *cough*). These are the underlying mechanisms behind how many common religions function, which is why I have a critical view of them. I see the massive spread of Islam as a net loss for humanity because all those people are now ideologically confined and will only agree with things that are consistent with the beliefs imposed on them at a young age, preventing important things like social innovation and the ability to form social ties with other groups of people.

Religions mastered the art of gamification and creating ideological bubbles before it was cool, except for it never became cool because it has very negative effects.

user khaled1968 has written
But this is how the world works... everything must be imposed by force

There are so many better ways to change how people act than by using force. Force should always be the last-ditch effort to achieve a moral victory, and it should never be used simply to impose your restrictive ideology on people.

old Re: why focusing on christians & muslims but not jews?

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user khaled1968 has written
Just look around... newton, einstein, pythagoras, charles darwin, and many many more. All of these people who built the pillars of atheism were members of secret jewish movements (freemasonry, rosicrucian and others).

Can you please explain to me why Newton, Einstein, Pythagoras and Darwin are the pillars of atheism? They may be pillars of science but science and atheism are definitely not the same and science and religion are not in conflict. Darwin even said himself that a god may exist, but that he just doesn't care. That's not atheism, that's agnosticism.

old Re: why focusing on christians & muslims but not jews?

Alpha Beta
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user khaled1968 has written
user Alpha Beta has written
What's wrong with Jews? Nothing.
The only religion that is fundamentally evil would be Islam. Islam conquered half of the world in the middle ages on Muhammads command, and today most terrorist groups are Islamic.

I don't understand your point, i can classify you as a terrorist too, that doesn't really make you a bad person. +what's wrong with being a terrorist if it was against the bad people?

+Muhammad conquered half the world to spread islam (aka the true religion), if muhammad was able to spread it without war, he would have done so.

But this is how the world works... everything must be imposed by force, the real difference is who uses force to spread good and who uses it to spread evil.

How is Islam the true religion? Islam teaches you go to a heavenly brothel and get 72 virgins and river of wine when you are killed in jihad. And Muslims believe this because an illiterate Arab warlord from the 7th century who married a 6 year old and had dozens of sex slaves said so. And it gets even more absurd when Muslims go to Mecca every year to kiss some pagan black stone. Good thing many Muslims leave this cult.

old Re: why focusing on christians & muslims but not jews?

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user ModJuicer has written
It appears you have been deceived. The contents of the book are false. I'm sure everyone has been misled at least once in their life, and it serves as a learning experience to be corrected.

I was not, the protocols was written by jews, there are dozens of evidence to prove it.

I also have some projects that belongs to a muslim researcher who proved that these protocols actually belong to jews, there are many useful proofs and information in his research.

The problem is that the content is in arabic language. However, if you are interested i'll give it to you so you can take a look.

Anyway, the protocols are not fake. Anyone who says they are fake is a liar, and many points that was mentioned in it are almost literally taken from the jewish torah.

For example: one of the protocols says that the jews must spread chaos and disorder on the rest nations so that they can gain power and convince people that they need them.

This was taken literally from torah

Check this

I don't have time to bring up all the evidences, it's too much, and it's difficult for me to write you in english because it's not my first language.

user ModJuicer has written
I won't blame you for falling for conspiracy theories because this:

I didn't fall to "conspiracy theories", just because the facts are shocking doesn't mean they aren't true, i just use my mind that the god has provided me with to think and know the right path from the wrong.

9-11 were not a conspiracy. I know very well that it was the muslims who did that, anyone with a mind can't deny.

The funny thing is that the real conspiracy is completely the opposite, as the US government is the one who supported (behind the shadows) those who says that 9-11 were an "inside job", and this is a long story that we may talk about later.

user ohaz has written
Can you please explain to me why Newton, Einstein, Pythagoras and Darwin are the pillars of atheism? They may be pillars of science but science and atheism are definitely not the same and science and religion are not in conflict. Darwin even said himself that a god may exist, but that he just doesn't care. That's not atheism, that's agnosticism.

Darwin was one of the hands that helped a lot spreading atheism in europe, it doesn't really matter what he was calling himself (an agnostic or an atheist or whatever), what really matters is his actions on the ground and what he caused, and what religion he did really believe in, not just names he throw at himself.

He may be absent or stupid, he may also know the truth but he is lying, i'm not really sure, but he was definitely a freemason, along with all his family members, and there are pictures of him performing some masonic symbolism, such as the "hidden hand" and other shit that freemasons like to do in their pictures.

+The fact that he was a member of what is called "The Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge", which was established by the Rosicrucian.

And i will not set down now to explain who are the rosicrucians, but in short, they are a movement close to freemasonry, you can search about them yourself.

I really don't know where to start, many evidences proves that this man was a jew, in best case he might just be an idiot who had been taken advantage of by the jews.

user Alpha Beta has written
How is Islam the true religion? Islam teaches you go to a heavenly brothel and get 72 virgins and river of wine when you are killed in jihad. And Muslims believe this because an illiterate Arab warlord from the 7th century who married a 6 year old and had dozens of sex slaves said so. And it gets even more absurd when Muslims go to Mecca every year to kiss some pagan black stone. Good thing many Muslims leave this cult.

You will never reach the truth if this was how you really think.

You can stay on the false science that you believe in, a science which has no scientist who was not jewish or related somehow to jews. Screw this, i will join on the winning team no matter what you people say.
edited 3×, last 30.12.22 02:19:12 pm

old Re: why focusing on christians & muslims but not jews?

User On Online

Under aged jerks, idiot and kids talking about shit about Islam and they doesn't even know shit about it. Stop creating topics like this to insult and provoke others you're so fucking ridicilous, all I see is ignorance around you're all making me laugh, you just talk for nothing and you don't know shit.

√ Respect and love for all relegions christians, muslims or jews.

"You have your religion and I have mine"
-- Al Kafirun Qur'an 109:1-6

"And cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression" --Surah Al-Ma'idah - Qur'an

What's wrong with Jews? Nothing.
The only religion that is fundamentally evil would be Islam. Islam conquered half of the world in the middle ages on Muhammads command, and today most terrorist groups are Islamic.

Kids here are stuck in compound ignorance. Keep commenting pointless stuffs.

old Re: why focusing on christians & muslims but not jews?

Alpha Beta
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@user Xirot: Do you even understand your Quran? The Quran is made out of two parts: The early Meccan Surah where Muhammad had no power, and the latter Medinan Surah where Muhammad had a huge army and tried to force convert everyone into his false cult. Islam teaches abrogation, which means that the violent verses replace the earlier peaceful verses. Surah 9 is the last big chapter of the Quran and look what it says in 9:111:
Quran 9:111 has written
Allah has indeed purchased from the believers their lives and wealth in exchange for Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah and kill or are killed

Or 9:29:
Quran 9:29 has written
Fight against those who do not believe in Allāh or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allāh and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth [i.e., Islām] from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah1 willingly while they are humbled.

old Re: why focusing on christians & muslims but not jews?

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user Xirot has written
"You have your religion and I have mine"
-- Al Kafirun Qur'an 109:1-6

This verse does not mean that you should love or respect other religions.

It's like when you lose hope in somebody, so you say to him: you have your own way and i have mine. So it does not mean that you admit the path he is walking in or that it should be respected.

user Xirot has written
"And cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression"

God was talking to muslims in this verse, but you cut out the first part and only showed what serves your interests.

However, what i am going to say may sound crazy, but in fact islam do respect jews and christians, because they can live with muslims on the condition that they pay a jizya (a very small amount of money), while atheists, magius, hindus (or basically any religion other than judaism and christianity) do not pay jizya, because god commanded us to kill them only (if they didn't will to enter islam ofc).
edited 1×, last 02.01.23 06:59:49 am

old Re: why focusing on christians & muslims but not jews?

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user ModJuicer has written
One can not justify war like this. Islam and many other religions are based on the idea of incentivizing belief in one view of the world (via promises of afterlife and social pressure), and punishing skepticism and nonconformity (via same strategies), making it very successful at gaining and keeping followers, but as a side effect it also creates an extremely ideologically restricted social environment (which then makes further restrictions easier to enable... *cough* morality police *cough*). These are the underlying mechanisms behind how many common religions function, which is why I have a critical view of them. I see the massive spread of Islam as a net loss for humanity because all those people are now ideologically confined and will only agree with things that are consistent with the beliefs imposed on them at a young age, preventing important things like social innovation and the ability to form social ties with other groups of people.

Religions mastered the art of gamification and creating ideological bubbles before it was cool, except for it never became cool because it has very negative effects.

I noticed nobody even brought this up once. I assume we are either in general agreement or that nobody could argue against the blatantly obvious without realizing it themselves. The truth is, it isn't science that is at odds with such religions. It is logic. Science explains how the religions works, logic reveals the flaws in their teachings, and nor was it science, but simple logic, that made me realize the truth behind how they worked, and how one could be made without much effort, which in itself explains why they are so common. Unlike scientific concepts, logic cannot be refuted without contradicting the obvious, because one plus one will always equal two. When someone argues against a religion because the teachings in said religion are inconsistent, they are bringing up the fact that it is illogical.

Science, however, does explain why such religions work the way they do. For example, science explains that teachings like this one: "Fight against those who do not believe in Allāh or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allāh and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth [i.e., Islām] from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah1 willingly while they are humbled." follow the laws of natural selection. It makes so if someone does believe in said religion, they have a natural advantage over people who do not, that advantage being that people who follow this teaching will not fight against them, while if they don't believe in the religion their chance of death dramatically increases because of the teachings of this religion. This is just one example of many which showcase the depths religions go to in order to increase incentives to join said religion, even if it goes against the consent of those who are situationally forced to join. It shows that, despite the teaching of some religions arguing against evolution and natural selection, such religions actually use natural selection and evolution to their advantage in order to grow and, by killing or disadvantaging the competition, finding ways to reduce the amount leaving the religion, making it as easy as possible to join, and as hard as possible to leave, it clutches on like a parasite to society and tries to make life as hard as possible for those who do not believe in it. When dying, it tries to poison parts of society that do not consent to its power. They will ruin the lives of many simply to ensure their own survival, in ways eerily similar to that of authoritarian regimes. In fact, see Iran for an example of what happens when you have both religion and authoritarian regimes combined (and grab a bag of popcorn). There are, of course, outliers, but the general trend is that religions like that will take very unethical courses of action in order to cement their power, even to the point of going against their own teachings. Also note the fact that many religions will have some teachings that are morally beneficial to society as a whole, but I see through many of those supposed good intentions to the malevolent core, for you see any parasite relies on its host, in this case society. If society dies, the religion dies, so it makes concessions in order to keep society alive. However, in doing so, it keeps a society in a state of restriction and ideological confinement that is deeply entrenched, and almost inescapable.

user khaled1968: Haha... No. Your supposed evidence is not evidence, it is... well.. an example of this:
stated in above comic has written
The theories are of course occasionally true, but their truth is completely uncorrelated with the believer's certainty. For some reason, sometimes when people think they've uncovered a lie, they raise confirmation bias to an art form. They cut context away from facts and arguments and assemble them into reassuring litanies. And over and over I've argued helplessly with smart people consumed by theories they were sure were irrefutable, theories that in the end proved complete fictions.

You are doing just what every other conspiracy theorist does: cut context from facts and arguments and assemble them into reassuring litanies. And you bear another hallmark of conspiracy theorists as well: The complete confidence in your view, even when mountains of evidence declare it false. You have a hill to die on: your theories about Jews. I predict that you will never change your mind about this. Ever. That is because conspiracy theorists very rarely change their mind even when when confronted with evidence. Am I right about that? I think I am. has written
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is the most notorious and widely distributed antisemitic publication of modern times. Its lies about Jews, which have been repeatedly discredited, continue to circulate today, especially on the Internet. The individuals and groups who have used the Protocols are all linked by a common purpose: to spread hatred of Jews.

The Protocols is entirely a work of fiction, intentionally written to blame Jews for a variety of ills. Those who distribute it claim that it documents a Jewish conspiracy to dominate the world. The conspiracy and its alleged leaders, the so-called Elders of Zion, never existed.

Note that this was the first link that appeared on the web search "protocols of zion". Also, feel free to look it up yourself: and you will find the same. You are a conspiracy theorist, and until you let go of these ideas you will always be a conspiracy theorist, which will not change no matter how hard you argue in your defense. Give yourself some time to let that sink in. It may take your entire life.
edited 3×, last 07.05.23 04:31:26 pm

old Re: why focusing on christians & muslims but not jews?

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user ModJuicer

Have you ever asked yourself why people hate jews? everything has a reason.

There is a very large percentage of earth population (especially the religious ones) hate jews, and that is because jews have a very bad past with all other nations, they declared war against everyone and put the idea that they are the chosen people of the god (no joke).

Why doesn't the people of "conspiracy theory" spread hate against other people? why only jews? i mean... i've never seen a conspiracy theorist accuse cow worshippers of trying to control the world. Fingers always point at jews, always! and this is enough to make you suspicious as a beginning.

The "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" was made by jews, and this is undoubtedly for those who use their brains. It is impossible for this conform between it and the literature of freemasons and the jewish torah to be just a coincidence.

And as i told you, there is a lot of evidence i have to prove this, the only problem is that we have don't speak the same language, otherwise i would have sent dozens and dozens of evidence that would cut off the doubt that you have.

My advice to you is to wake up from the pinky world you live in inside your head, then look around, you will realize that the dream that europeans have today (which is an atheistic world without sanctities or religious things) will never come true.

In fact, this stupid way of thinking helped the jews to completely control europe and america, even if atheism was right and god didn't actually exists, i will still not be an atheist just to prevent those who try to gain power by spreading athiesm ideas from taking over my country! But no, you europeans, chose to sell all of europe to people who literally want to control the world just to not allocate a part of your day to pray to god. Go fuck yourself then.

Me as a muslim, i would rather die as one of god's men, literally blowing myself up just to prevent satan and his jewish minions from taking over the world. This is my path and it is the right path.

There will come a day and there will be a clash between good and evil, and there is no doubt that it will happen, and you, and your foolish way of thinking, will die defending your "homeland" and your national ideas (by the way... the idea of nationalism and dying for what so called "homeland" was created by the jews).

You will die fighting with an army that you think is protecting you and is in fact protecting jews, and they will use you as nothing more than a shield, and you will die without any real purpose, just like animals, and be thrown into the dustbin of history where no one will remember you.

old Re: why focusing on christians & muslims but not jews?

Mami Tomoe
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@user khaled1968: Let alone the fact that you didn't even try to prove any of @user ModJuicer's points wrong, you just went on a full on rage mode against Jews without proper proofs to back your claims.

It's almost as if everything you're talking about was taughed to you at a young age (of which you likely still are in), and you just had no other choice but to believe in it.

You simply want to express your hatred for Jews at whatever costs necessary, and yet, as one of the few Jews on this site, I can't even be offended, because you're just so bad at it and everything you're claiming is so wrong that it just makes me sigh that people like you still exist and that we share the same earth.

And about atheism, it's a very "selfish" thing, we don't "spread" it, most of us keep it to ourselves and most of my friends don't even know that I'm one, so I don't see your point.

old Re: why focusing on christians & muslims but not jews?

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user Mami Tomoe has written
Let alone the fact that you didn't even try to prove any of @user ModJuicer's points wrong, you just went on a full on rage mode against Jews without proper proofs to back your claims.

What points did he exactly make? all he has done is attacking islam (and this i will not respond to because it is not our topic) and sending some jewish sites links which denies that the protocols are made by jews.

Jews has an incredibly reach in many governments today, in fact, they are so dedicated that they have entire institutions just to watch the internet and to report any "anti-semitic" posts.

Therefore, it is axiomatic that the sites that will appear for him on the internet will deny the truth of the protocols, and will spread false and misleading information to show the jews as good people, so i don't really understand why those sites are considered as evidences against me.

On the otherside, i told him that the protocols are identical with torah (the main jewish book) and the literature of the freemasons, and i gave him an example of that. I gave him a proof and he didn't respond with any.

user Mami Tomoe has written
It's almost as if everything you're talking about was taughed to you at a young age (of which you likely still are in), and you just had no other choice but to believe in it.

In my generation, yes, i saw hate on some certian level against jews when i was young at school, but today, when i open school books of my younger brother only to find that they praise the jews in an indirect way, even putting characters like charles darwin as a scientest in it, the funny thing that all of this is happening in "islamic schools".

Just another proof that "islamic" governments has no real power and are infiltrated by jews. They are just another puppet in their hands, as is the case with european governments.

user Mami Tomoe has written
And about atheism, it's a very "selfish" thing, we don't "spread" it, most of us keep it to ourselves and most of my friends don't even know that I'm one, so I don't see your point.

You are not the one who will spread atheism, you are too stupid to do so, the ones who will do that are the jewish elite who are at the top of the pyramid, they are the ones who give orders and you are the one who implement them without realizing its consequences or knowing its goals.

That's why there are degrees in freemasonry, and it takes years of learning, reading, and even practicing some rituals to go up one degree, because the secrets they keep at the top cannot be shared with those below, otherwise they will risk it being leaked to the public.
edited 1×, last 02.01.23 11:23:59 am

old Re: why focusing on christians & muslims but not jews?

User On Online

Do you even understand your Quran? The Quran is made out of two parts: The early Meccan Surah where Muhammad had no power, and the latter Medinan Surah where Muhammad had a huge army and tried to force convert everyone into his false cult. Islam teaches abrogation, which means that the violent verses replace the earlier peaceful verses. Surah 9 is the last big chapter of the Quran and look what it says in 9:111:

Intopic about your quotes:

> Of course we would fight whoever who try to harm us. That's self defending and the only way to defend it to attack. Even in nations law that's allowed "whoever trys to harm you you're allowed to attack back and defend yourself"

Peace for whoever wants peace and war for whoever wants war that's so fucking logic and simple you're just retarded.

> The whole nations was spreading their relegions with wars you so fucking stupid. Look into christians conquests history for example. Affs you're so fucking uneducated. (big respect and love for christians)

I'm laughing so hard on this, a young moron from wanna talk about Quran and trynna explain me ROFL. I really want to screenshot what are you saying and show it to whoever I find in the street so I can spread some happiness and make people laugh on your naivety. Tell your family or whoever who told you this or explaining your the quran this way to die fast please. We do not need more violent people like them in this world we need a peaceful one where everyone lives as well in a good conditions. Surely without you nor people thinking the way you think. y'all fucking racists and you don't know nothing your one and only problem is to talk about Islam and say shit about it and explaining the holy quran the way you like what a fucking jerks. Die fast pls, you're spreading hate, racism and bad vibes around this world. We want to live peacefully with everyone if you do not accept us then you gotta suicide cuz we do not care about your asses you just talk about us..
edited 1×, last 02.01.23 01:36:30 pm

old Re: why focusing on christians & muslims but not jews?

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user khaled1968 has written
Have you ever asked yourself why people hate jews? everything has a reason.

That is true. I completely agree with you. I can give you the reason for the hatred of Jews as well. It became a trend hundreds of years ago, culminating in Nazism. Still to this day, however, the Jews are targets of suspicion and hate because it caught on as a trend with conspiracy theorists. Did they deserve this hate? Only as much as you would deserve being stabbed if stabbing Islamic people became a trend among westerners like myself. In other words, no.

user khaled1968 has written
In my generation, yes, i saw hate on some certian level against jews when i was young at school, but today, when i open school books of my younger brother only to find that they praise the jews in an indirect way, even putting characters like charles darwin as a scientest in it, the funny thing that all of this is happening in "islamic schools".

Just another proof that "islamic" governments has no real power and are infiltrated by jews. They are just another puppet in their hands, as is the case with european governments.

No, it is proof that the government does not want overly Islamic teachings because they result in Ideological Confinement (the inability to change one's mind, that you so annoyingly demonstrate) which has negative consequences for society, like extremist views or.. drumroll please.. conspiracy theories. Surprise, it was almost like they were looking out for the greater good of society. Is it a coincidence that the people running society will actually try to keep it from dissolving into an ideological cult? It is almost as if they have the best interests of their citizens in mind.

user khaled1968 has written
user Mami Tomoe has written
Let alone the fact that you didn't even try to prove any of user ModJuicer's points wrong, you just went on a full on rage mode against Jews without proper proofs to back your claims.

What points did he exactly make? all he has done is attacking islam (and this i will not respond to because it is not our topic) and sending some jewish sites links which denies that the protocols are made by jews.

Jews has an incredibly reach in many governments today, in fact, they are so dedicated that they have entire institutions just to watch the internet and to report any "anti-semitic" posts.

Some of that is probably true, because certain people seem to be determined to spread anti-semitic posts online no matter how much evidence points in the opposite of their own views. Anyway, you act as if it would not be a rational act to create institutions to prevent anti-semitism after it had resulted in the deaths of around 6 millions Jews during the Nazi regime. I sure hope there are institutions in place to prevent it from happening again. To not create institutions that prevent it in the future would be irresponsible.

Also, I will call you out on the fact that you did, indeed, avoid all of my questions and then used a flimsy excuse as your justification.

user ModJuicer has written
You are doing just what every other conspiracy theorist does: cut context from facts and arguments and assemble them into reassuring litanies. And you bear another hallmark of conspiracy theorists as well: The complete confidence in your view, even when mountains of evidence declare it false. You have a hill to die on: your theories about Jews. I predict that you will never change your mind about this. Ever. That is because conspiracy theorists very rarely change their mind even when when confronted with evidence. Am I right about that? I think I am.

Am I right about that? Have you not changed your mind about your views? If you cannot answer this question directly than the true answer is glaringly obvious.

user khaled1968 has written
Therefore, it is axiomatic that the sites that will appear for him on the internet will deny the truth of the protocols, and will spread false and misleading information to show the jews as good people, so i don't really understand why those sites are considered as evidences against me.

Ah, just like 'false and misleading information' about Putin's war in Ukraine, am I right? Where one could not declare the 'special military operation' as a war, even when the leader of the country himself called it that? The truth is, the fact that you even deny that Jews can be good people just shows the extent that these conspiracy theories have warped your fragile mind. You claim one cannot trust the evidence that shows up everywhere, and yet you claim that in a single book, a book shown time and time again to contain false information curated to cultivate a hatred for Jews and incite conspiracy theories, that it is the entire truth. A book that can, for all purposes, be written by anyone, and tell any lies the author wants to, and can be published under any name, true or false. You believe that that book holds the truth. I am frankly dumbfounded that such incredible ignorance can be found in one person.

user ModJuicer has written
Note that this was the first link that appeared on the web search "protocols of zion". Also, feel free to look it up yourself: and you will find the same.

Have you looked it up yet? Have you read any of the related links? Reply to me after you do that, please.

user khaled1968 has written
all he has done is attacking islam

It only mentioned Islam in the quotes I was referencing. In no place in my overall post did I mention anything about Islam at all.

Now enough with the baseless claims like "well, the Jews are evil and powerful" or "the Jews ate babies" and whatnot. Start showing some evidence. I have so far seen no credible evidence as to why you would be right, but yet a large amount of evidence against your claims. You also failed to confront my arguments, and even your excuse made to justify ignoring them was pathetic.

user khaled1968 has written
On the otherside, i told him that the protocols are identical with torah (the main jewish book) and the literature of the freemasons, and i gave him an example of that. I gave him a proof and he didn't respond with any.

The Protocols of Zion are false, and thus have no value as evidence, even if you found a fancy coincidence somewhere (or more likely just heard about that coincidence from a different conspiracy theorist and repeated the claim). Give me actual evidence that can be verified. If something is non-verifiable, it is not usable as evidence because it cannot be proven true or false (look up definition of verifiability for more details).

I would 100% believe you, even if it is against my morals, if you found verifiable evidence of your assertions that proves your point beyond a doubt. Show me the evidence or show me your ignorance.

old Re: why focusing on christians & muslims but not jews?

User On Online

Intopic: One of the oldest community of jewish are in Tunisia. They're tunisians and living in the south with their neighbours who are muslims. I NEVER heard any terrorism act between the two communities muslims or jewish we are all living in peace since day 1.
Spoiler >

Same shit for Lebanon, christians are living with their brothers muslims in lebanon and I've never fucking heard of terrorism in there between the two communities. Many of the two communities has made families and merged their blood.

Stop talking shit, please stop showing pointless stuffs you're so fucking ridicilous.

old Re: why focusing on christians & muslims but not jews?

User Off Offline

user ModJuicer

I really don't understand why you treat me as your top worst enemy, at least i'm honest and not a liar. If i had the opportunity to conquer europe, i would do it, and i would spread islam in it and make it the official religion. Still better than the jews who occupied europe by lying to the public, spreading atheism, birth control, and other vile satanic methods. An honest enemy is always better than a friend who lies.


user ModJuicer has written
It became a trend hundreds of years ago, culminating in Nazism.

Wrong, it was popular very long time ago.

It is enough for you to know that what so called "Knights of Templar" organization existed for more than 800 years, and participated in many crusades against muslims, although the organization itself was against christ, but the whole thing was a lie and an attempt to reach and control the centers of power in europe.

In fact, this organization still exists, but as usual, jews like to change names when people start to feel their suspicious movements, so they changed the name of the organization to "The Freemasons" later.

Although pope clement v had ordered to burn the head of the organization and all of its members, but the decision had come too late, the organization has already reached powerful positions in europe, and its name was changed outwardly but they remained essentially the same.

And guess why the pope ordered to burn their leader and to dismantle his organization? No reason, maybe just for doing magic, sodomy with kids, doing human sacrifices in front some weird satanic statues, and many other actions that jews believe it do bring them closer to their god.

What a nice people, how could anyone hate jews fr??

user ModJuicer has written
No, it is proof that the government does not want overly Islamic teachings

You say this because you don't understand islam, whoever promotes atheistic ideas is kaffir (non-Muslim), even if he claimed to be a muslim. This is how islam works, you cannot claim to be a muslim while doing exactly the opposite of what religion teaches you to do.

Putting characters like charles darwin in school books takes the one who placed it outside the circle of islam, and the government knows this very well. For this reason, government knows that it is an islamic government in name only, but in reality it is not islamic at all, and yet they chose to lie to the public and say that they are muslims only so that the people do not revolt against them.

Just as the european governments claim to be christian while in reality they do not apply any of christ teachings, it is just a dirty game that they play, and completely controlled by jews behind the shadows.

That's why you find that a country like britain has given the so-called "Balfour Declaration" to Israelis, promosing them to give them back their homeland, although britain claims to be a christian country, so why would it give a single fuck about jews and their homeland? I guess there is no need to answer this kind of questions anymore, it's all became clear for whoever has a mind in his head.

user ModJuicer has written
Have you looked it up yet? Have you read any of the related links? Reply to me after you do that, please.

Yes i did, i stopped reading when i saw the site says that protocols are taught in arab countries schools as facts, although i had never seen them in school textbook before.

They are liars, no government in the world would dare to adopt such opinions, so how can an educational institution (affiliated with main government ofc) adopt it!? what a stupid lie, they always play like they are the victim.

user ModJuicer has written
The Protocols of Zion are false, and thus have no value as evidence, even if you found a fancy coincidence somewhere (or more likely just heard about that coincidence from a different conspiracy theorist and repeated the claim)

I literally compared one of the most devil protocols to the jewish torah in front of you. I don't know of any evidence might be stronger than this.

user khaled1968 has written
For example: one of the protocols says that the jews must spread chaos and disorder on the rest nations so that they can gain power and convince people that they need them.

This was taken literally from torah

Check this

I don't have time to bring up all the evidences, it's too much, and it's difficult for me to write you in english because it's not my first language.

I will give you another example...

One of protocols says that jews must impose a birth control over non jewish nations. And guess what!! birth control policies are applied all over the world today, even in muslim countries. Sometimes it is applied indirectly through some decisions aimed to make marriage more difficult etc.

And now europe is being called the "old continent" because of the low amount of kids and young people compared to the old ones.

Would you like another example or this is enough?

user ModJuicer has written
Now enough with the baseless claims like "well, the Jews are evil and powerful" or "the Jews ate babies" and whatnot

Well in fact they are, maybe they don't eat babies but they fuck them and sometimes even sacrifice them for their supposed god. And they are so powerful that if you said anything against them you would be thrown in jail in the middle of christian country for god knows how long.

By the way, there is an american journalist who sneaked into the bohemian forest to film some rituals which was performed by freemasons, and was attended by many politicians and important people.

The good thing this time is that the documentary is in english language, which is good because most of content i do archive is in arabic. So if you are interested in watching the documentary just let me know.
edited 2×, last 02.01.23 08:44:15 pm
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