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Englisch Europe is not friendly! (refugees)

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geschlossen verschoben Europe is not friendly! (refugees)

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Europe remained in class during the humanitarian crisis.

Im very happy to live in turkey and not in europe!

Im wordless about greece and europe to not accept any Immigrant..

alt Re: Europe is not friendly! (refugees)

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Europe is friendly, they're just showing Mr Erdogan that they are not about to take lightly on his threats. If you play the immigrants as a playing card, the opposing side might have something to counter that card.

alt Re: Europe is not friendly! (refugees)

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The level of oxygen in the air decreases, stupidity and aggression increase

The largest exporters of weapons are USA, Russia, China, France and Germany.
The largest importers of weapons are Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Israel, Qatar and Iraq.

The main troublemakers in the region:
Israel, Turkey, Syria, Iraq

I think that you can see noticeable intersections of those who create problems and buy weapons to solve them. And those forces who are “peacemakers” and earn money by heating conflicts.
1× editiert, zuletzt 05.03.20 20:56:01

alt Re: Europe is not friendly! (refugees)

The Dark Shadow
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user Pagyra hat geschrieben
The largest exporters of weapons are USA, Russia, China, France and Germany.
The largest importers of weapons are Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Israel, Qatar and Iraq.

Stop telling lies, Were you living in those countries? Surely not, so why you tell randomly when you haven't much information about it. I know what's going on those countries, what you said is NOT true at all.

alt Re: Europe is not friendly! (refugees)

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user The Dark Shadow The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) has published a report on the state of world arms trade, read it if you want.
I am russian, and unlike you, I’m quite adequate to understand the cause-effect relationships of events.

alt Re: Europe is not friendly! (refugees)

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@user TrialAndError: their are immigrants, i dont care what mr. erdogan do it or not, the immigrant need help!

maybe mr. erdogan thearten europe but one thing is true about mr erdogan, turkey have 4 million immigrants, and europe gived just 60 million euro for help us to stop the immigrants to close the borders.

what did europe? their gived greece 700 million euro to stop now the immigrants, why dont give it this money turkey to help the immigrants before this all happened?

greece have most popular of racist!

greece police trying to killing immigrants, search it its enought proofs.

(im not a mr erdogan fan and trying to protect him.)

alt Re: Europe is not friendly! (refugees)

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@user haha1955: I would be very happy to hear what would your country do, if immigrants OR terrorists, some of them might are the same, would do bombings in the capitals and killing hundreds of people, would you really let immigrants in? Possibly there are immigrants that are nice but don't tell me this bullshit. Your country would simply close the borders too, and fucking don't call Europe mean, just because the government makes a law to not let them in.

Who the hell are you to say that? Have you actually met them in person? Never, so stop spreading bullshit. There are mean people in every hacking country, no matter which. USA, Russia, China, France, UK, and ALL, yes ALL.

and changing your country to Germany will not solve anything.

alt Re: Europe is not friendly! (refugees)

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@user Marcell: you will tell me, turkey is a idiot this is the reason why all immigrants is in turkey^^

i can just tell you: the immigrants is not terrorist, is not attacking turkish citizens!!!

this guys coming from greece borders back and the police was hard what their do:

greece waterpolice want kill the immigrants boad like want kill immigrants too:

just show the video its a greece police on greece border:

the videos is turkish, i dont want find now english version because i guess EUROPE WANT NOT SHARE THIS MISSTAKES!

i hope you understand me now...

alt Re: Europe is not friendly! (refugees)

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part of this is to do with turkey being majority muslim, not to mention turkey essentially supporting terrorism in one way or another through agression in the middle east (namely against the kurds, who were meant to be NATO allies.), through supporting forign mosques throughout europe withwhich to further push immigration support and radical islamism.

Turkey has been playing a dangerous game, an anti western one.

alt Re: Europe is not friendly! (refugees)

crazy junkman Wolfgang
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@user haha1955: this video will explain why europe doesnt want immigrants:

also dont watch first 30 s of video then talk nonesense, whatch the hole thing if you are so triggered and interested about it to gain another perspective, im just giving you a reason *why* europe is starting to make immigrant policies more strict and europe's side of view.

also europe isnt oblidged to help anyone, just like you are not oblidged to help that beggar on corner of street in any way.

Further more, mr Erdogan isnt stupid, he is very inteligent man who managed to cross over Putin several times, but thats off topic, the point is that he let migrants in so he can use them as "weapon" against europe, trying to force turkey into EU and whatnot, and he will achive some goals doing this.

Nobody does nothing from kindness of his heart, so does not mr Erdogan, he only saw opportunity, if there is no opportunity he would order turkish army to detain and/or kill every illegal immigrant that enters the turkey.

alt Re: Europe is not friendly! (refugees)

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user haha1955 hat geschrieben
the videos is turkish, i dont want find now english version because i guess EUROPE WANT NOT SHARE THIS MISSTAKES!

i hope you understand me now...

Neither does "Europe" want to share these messages: peaceful refugees at Greek border (feat. peaceful ukrainian protesters, 2014, colorized) (video repeats itself once) (used in an article, very convincing)

I hope you now understand there is propaganda on both sides. Wake up.
2× editiert, zuletzt 08.03.20 02:30:41

alt Re: Europe is not friendly! (refugees)

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user Jawohl hat geschrieben
(namely against the kurds, who were meant to be NATO allies.)

I'm fucking sorry, what? First off, I'm not even gonna get into how YPG/PKK =/= the entire fucking Kurdish population as we have a bigger problem here. So you're saying that a terrorist organization that has been murdering innocent civilians and Turkish soldiers within Turkey (most of which were Kurds mind you) for over 40 years and has also been involved in the shadiest shit you can imagine from human trafficking, drug smuggling to illegal arms dealing is meant to be a NATO ally while Turkey, one of the vital members of the pact since 1950's isn't just because the black box in your living room said so?

You people are hopeless.

As for the actual topic, this is textbook Erdogan. First he got scammed by the EU into accepting a shitty deal that gave him, in total, 6 billion Euros for providing asylum to the 6+ million Syrian refugees (the refugees which cost him over 40 billion and the deal which he didn't even get the full money of, of course) then as his US overlords ordered, he launched an assault to Syria which cost us 71 soldiers, even more refugees and lost votes. And now he's trying to get the NATO into actually helping him out of the hole he dug himself into by blackmailing the EU which I love by the way. The hypocrisy of the West is truly being shown as the oh so highly, benevolent, tolerant EU is fighting full force against unarmed people "invading" their land, trying to live a better life in Europe.

alt Re: Europe is not friendly! (refugees)

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I do not think that finding the guilty will help solve the problem.
Important not the fault, but the reason. And if you do not solve the reason, then problem will only expand and cause even more difficulties for all. Of course, neither Turkey, nor Greece, nor any other country will be happy about the invasion of immigrants, especially if she herself was not preparing for this.

No one is happy with immigrants because of their aggression and lack of upbringing and education, and not because of their religions, but the main reason/root of the problem arose only because of past policies - there were many wars in West asia region so it destroy the living conditions of people who lives there.
Imagine yourself in their place - if you had to leave your country. These people are scared, stressed, lost.
Someone (European countries, NATO, UN, ... and USA) took part in the military conflicts of this region - someone bombed, someone sold weapons for war, no matter how. But later no one has created a good environment where the affected locals could live well again.
So that first because immigrants run away from wars, then, they having learned around world, so they try to seek a “better life”, but in new place, since they did not receive a local normal education and upbringing in their countries, they are a bit stupid and do not want to delve into the laws of others.
And therefore immigrants having settled in a new place also want to establish around understandable and in their opinion convenient (traditional) laws and rules, but since all the locals are against it, immigrants are beginning to aggressively and by all means enforce these laws and regulations.
But, unfortunately, all this also affects the european locals too - them are not only opposing immigrants, they are not very educated too, they also do not want to think and delve into the causes and consequences, and they are also aggressive.

Agree with user Marcell
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