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English steam keys

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closed moved steam keys

BANNED Off Offline

hello i can give u guys games in steam worth 10$ or more for steam skins if u guys would be intrested but u could offer me more like making me admin in ur server or something

old Re: steam keys

User Off Offline

I own a server that goes in a lot, first give me the key, and then we talk.

old Re: steam keys

User Playing CS2D

There's no actual way that you can make this "trade" in an "honest" way.

If you offer him the key first, he can 0 fucks on you and just not give you anything.

If he offers you the admin rank, you can fuck his server up.

Eitherway who gives the steam key has more to lose, since you can't "recover" that.
Now this thread sounds more like an advertisement than an actual useful post, so might as well lock it, no?

old Re: steam keys

Reviewer Off Offline

I heard if you give the keys to the mods, they will give you lifetime supply of ban for FREEE!

old Re: steam keys

BANNED Off Offline

well if i didnt give u the key u could remove me from admin but i need a contract saying that u will keep me a admin for atleast 2 years + ur server has to be active
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