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Englisch Popularity in need.

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alt Popularity in need.

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Hello, my name is Salah known as Max, Today, I want to talk about something very important about this community..

I want to compare between two good community's.

Minecraft & UnrealSoftware

Before starting, I'm not talking about the Minecraft official "Mojang".. I'm talking just about the mini-community Minecraft.

Let's start.

Minecraft has started since 2009 comparing to wich started in 2003/2004, Minecraft started with the name Cave Game.. but I want to know something from 2003 till now, I mean.. games should be way more popular than Minecraft, I mean.. Here we have a original forum full of helpful people.. and also let's compare the real game.. Minecraft is 3D, comparing to CS2D, the name says it's 2D.. I mean why break your eyes make them blind in a 3D game instead of playing a normal 2D game without any jumpscare with the original gameplay.

In Minecraft, you start your world.. build shit build crap, play multiplayer with your friends.. starting a game-side server requires shit download.. but here IN THIS! community.. Fun side, helpful people, customize the gameplay with some custom mods, and even? I want to understand.. Minecraft has reached 2 million players? and why this good CS2D has reached just like 100 players.. I mean in the community, there's plenty full of multiaccounts.. in game, just 72/100 players, in Minecraft, over 2 billion players, why not spend your time in a free game instead of going to a crappy game to spend over 200$.

Thank you for understanding this,

alt Re: Popularity in need.

Reviewer On Online

Minecraft got popular because of this game needn't good PC, you can build and go anywhere you want to in easy way ith survival.. There wan't any other game like Minecraft, it was first.. this is the reason. I haven't any idea on a game that won't be a next clone of any game. Mr. Steve won.
1× editiert, zuletzt 29.12.15 14:17:53

alt Re: Popularity in need.

User Off Offline

But, why people don't spend their time in a free game instead of paying 200 dollars in a shit 2 frames per second game.

it's actually bill gates that made this situation worse.

alt Re: Popularity in need.

Moderator Off Offline

Your comparison is strange, to say the least. Your points in defence of CS2D especially so. But sure, I'll indulge in your argument.

Minecraft is widely agreed to be an anomaly - extremely few games became as popular as it did without a lot of advertisement and extremely few are going to after it, even with everyone trying to replicate Minecraft's success. Its popularity spread through word of mouth and unsponsored, genuine advertisement.

CS2D is a more representative example of how indie games work - it wasn't extensively advertised, and it's not capitalised on its success, but it's actually been very successful by indie game standards, seeing how this community has tens of thousands of registered users. It was very popular at one point, but all popularity wanes.

You also have to remember that though Minecraft started off as one man's project, it soon became a team effort - developers, artists, marketing and PR people were hired to continue working on the game and promoting it. By contrast, CS2D started off and never really stopped being one man's effort, and it has done very well.

Minecraft was an entry into a genre that wasn't really explored before it. The market for all sorts of shooter games, however, is already saturated as it is.

There's also the matter of CS2D having been unable to really offer any interesting features or gameplay past a 2D adaptation of Counter-Strike at launch (not until Lua modding was introduced), while Minecraft was, as I've already said, an entry into a novel genre in itself.

I won't go into your comparison between graphics (they're two completely different styles), even though it has to be said that Minecraft had very recognisable and unique graphics and graphical elements that helped establish its 'brand', such as the whole idea of blocks (the grass block) and its creatures (Steve, the pig, the creeper).

All in all, CS2D did, and is doing, very well for an indie game, and Unreal Software is doing very well for an indie developer company of one man. Believe me, I love CS2D as much as the next man, especially since it was my inspiration to do quite a few things in my life, but the glory of the world passes, as it always will, and CS2D and even Minecraft won't be forever.

alt Re: Popularity in need.

Moderator Off Offline

I'd say the advertisements and most of the people (mainly kids) made that game really popular thus its community became popular too. The graphics is not the big reason behind it. Yes, Minecraft does have its unique graphics but most of people there play it for the sake of creativeness.

user EngiN33R explained a lot regarding the comparison of these two games. I don't dislike this game at all however I am not interested in it much nor willing to play it.

alt Re: Popularity in need.

User Off Offline

Sorry if I miss the point, but I think that you made this thread not for the purpose of discussing CS2D's popularity.
The title says "Popularity in need", but the content of your post has almost nothing to do about improving the popularity of CS2D or why popularity is in need.
It's just an extremely biased comparison of two completely different games. It can be summarized into "Minecraft is crap, but CS2D is less popular. Why?"

In case you're actually wondering why CS2D is less popular than Minecraft, then user EngiN33R has explained it very well.

alt Re: Popularity in need.

Black Wolf
User Off Offline

I think DC knew from the start that cs2d wouldnt get that popular like Minecraft but i think he reaced hes goal at one point (dont remember when it got really popular). Minecraft is more advanced game and there is plenty things to do. Also why not to get real cs rather than 2d version of it? I think CS2D was popular enough. Now there is a lot cool games and cs2d doesnt have much chances against these games. You should compare whole CS2D history, from 2004 to 2015, than only 2015.

alt Re: Popularity in need.

User Off Offline

Personally, I think that minecraft does not have a very good community and that it wasn't advertising that made it popular (look, mojang started advertising it much after it became popular) but its concept, unique graphics and mechanics (look how popular crafting mechanics are now)(you can also see that with the random regenerating system).

You also forget the fact the CS2D is much less attractive than minecraft. Most of the cases, the attractiveness of a game is the key for popularity.

Anyway, you should try to organize your ideas and opinions better and be more explicit.

alt Re: Popularity in need.

Black Wolf
User Off Offline

Yes, he knew at the very beginning a few years back before Minecraft existed that CS2D wouldn't be as popular. Yes, DC can see the future.

Well, im sorry but i said it in a wrong way. ''Like a minecraft'', i meant games back then which had popularity like minecraft. Sorry
And please can you next time use normal reply

alt Re: Popularity in need.

Admin Off Offline

I never anticipated that CS2D would become as popular as it was/still is.

Minecraft is a different story.I think that's because it's so open and gives you so much freedom to build everything. Paired with a very simple but unique art style. Also the way they sold it (discount for the early development version, final verson more expensive) was very smart. It's also very close to our basic instincts. I mean you build a house to be safe. Gather stuff to survive. It's something every human being, even every animal, must be interested in in some way.

It's quite impossible to reach a comparable popularity with CS2D. CS2D is too "specialized", limiting the amount of people who might be interested in it.
• it's still mainly a clone of Counter-Strike - not everyone knows/is interested in Counter-Strike
• it's an online shooter - not everyone likes that
• it has a very specific setting with weapons and stuff - not everyone likes that
• there are maaaany comparable games, many of them also looking much more attractive

alt Re: Popularity in need.

User Off Offline

DC hat geschrieben
gives you so much freedom to build everything

@user DC: You are wrong, If you mean this right.. then the map editor is for nothing, the map editor is for building maps too, i mean not really building, the other sense.. but CS2D still have ability to mod it, we can mod until our death.. modding in Minecraft requires Java scripting knowdelege, but I still don't understand, CS2D isn't a very special game, It doesn't offers most features that a 3D game would go for, Hackers, DDosers.. Server ruiners are causing this, without them in this world we could have reached mostly, let's stay million of players, and DC.. you had 5 years to make this game ALOT better, but you failed in some sort of process, (not offending), Minecraft WAS the worst on it's beta & alpha devoloping phase in 2009/2010.. but it did come 5 years after UnrealSoftware, and I'm not only talking about CS2D only, I'm also talking about Stranded, Carnage Contest and Minigolf Madness

Stranded is likely as Minecraft, since it's about adventure.. (not pixels & blocks)..

@user Black Wolf: I'm not saying Minecraft is crap, I said some words like shit, but me even I play it.. Minecraft has beaten UnrealSoftware games after 5 years of the devolopement, and I do not say @user DC: is lazy.. I know he is a good worker and he is just busy with all sort of stuff, @user DC: I want also to say that your wrong in fact that no one know/interested in Counter Strike, It's like if you ask a baby (5 years old) he would just answer you, Everyone has knowdelege in Counter-Strike, they are just acro (if you know what this word is) to the Minecraft game, and I do not even insult myself because I usually spend like 5 minutes in it.

Here's the real reasons why Minecraft became popular:

• Notch sold to Bill Gates the game for 2.5billion, "the more is bill known the more is the game known"

• Advertising by kids.

This is important for DC to read it:

us I mean, you are right.. It's a human-being but not every one should just GO to it spend 24 hour in it and come back with glasses.. I mean it's very bad they doesn't have any importance with their real life, are you sure discount for early discount fact?
For example a discount (50%) in a over 275$ or more is nothing.. final version? There will not be any final version.. Versions of Minecraft are gonna be unlimited, look now they are realeasing some snapshots.. 15w51b, 15w51a, and the only updates there are breaking the game, I say.. Thank you DC.

Edit: To tell you about the fact i'm telling you that minecraft is very use-money thing, in 1.9 release.. they'll go for 300$...

E2: @user EngiN33R: Steve character removed, Black Steve removed, Rana removed, All these characters have been removed in the 1.5 alpha, (not real one).. I mean there's only the steve skin, and all these characters was added to test out animations for MC and the devolopement process failed.

alt Re: Popularity in need.

User Off Offline

Minecraft was/is unique. It's like terraria, but 3D. Who doesn't like to build their own world with vast resources available to dig out right under them? I'm pretty sure a lot of people love doing that and that Mincraft hit the spot there.

CS2D is unique in it's own way as it's a 2D clone of CS with a bunch of extended features but in the end it's still a 2D fast paced shooter. There are more interesting 3D FPS out there that peeps like which are heavily advertised.

alt Re: Popularity in need.

Black Wolf
User Off Offline

I got Minecraft and i have played cs2d for years now, dont play it much anymore tho. Minecraft got a lot of mods and when you especially play with friends you dont get bored, but in cs2d it doesnt matter if you play with friends or not, its still same for me. Even if you got best armor, weapon etc. in minecraft, you still have plenty things to do. Even if cs2d would get really popular in past and still used a lot of money for advertising, it would be matter of time till minecraft beats cs2d.
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