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English PC Buying

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old PC Buying

Super User Off Offline


I planning to buy a new PC for 1317 euro.
Do you know to give some idea for parts should buy..

I dont know which would be the best i7 or i5
Beacuse i also playing, and working with modelling..
Please build a kickass pc for me.
Important when you helping for me do not forget to build a strong pc.
I gonna buy everything so.. monitor, keyboard,speaker,sound card,mouse,ssd,hdd,powe supply,videocard,cpu,cpu cooler, coolers, case

old Re: PC Buying

Infinite Rain
Reviewer On Online

Just go and buy a completed one in the shop... Much easier and you wouldn't need to be messing with all those parts.

old Re: PC Buying

Super User Off Offline

No... i hate that..
And i also know how to set up these parts, and my friend is able to help for me

old Re: PC Buying

User Off Offline

I suggest you all, who recommend him buying already built PC, to GO FUCK YOURSELF.

old Re: PC Buying

Random guy
User Off Offline

@user Iceath You forgot win2000 dude.

Anyway, imo you shouldn't buy a built comp, because if you build it yourself you can customize/upgrade it later.

I'd go with i7 processor, nvidia video card(4gb or 8gb), 16GB ram, 1TB HDD(or more?), operating system i prefer win7 x64, but it's only because i didn't try win8 yet.
EDIT: sry didn't read that you needed every peripheral but ,it depends what are you going to use this PC for? If gaming and modeling only try building a 2. or 3. generation PC if you have the money, ofc.

old Re: PC Buying

BANNED Off Offline

user Elfing has written
I suggest you to buy an Alienware

No, he should not. They're shit and overrated. You can get a better computer for the same amount of money.

@user Infinite Rain: So you're going to fuck yourself now? Great.

Anyways, it really depends on what you're going to do with your PC. If you really are going to do heavy video editing and 3D modeling, go ahead with something like Random Guys build.
Windows 8 is shit, it's a mistake. Go get W7.
Anyways, I can't be arsed to give you a full build at this time. I'll post one tomorrow (with links).

old Re: PC Buying

User Off Offline

user Infinite Rain has written
@user mafia_man:
Well, I have the EXACT SAME SUGGESTION. Caps were necessary.

user Infinite Rain has written
Just go and buy a completed one in the shop... Much easier and you wouldn't need to be messing with all those parts.


@user Marcell: Don't go with already built PC's. Get parts and assemble it yourself instead.

old Re: PC Buying

User Off Offline

Yeah, that's what I'm doing, building my desktop from scratch. That way you can get the stuff you need, build it your way and top top it all off, you can make it last for years depending on the RAM and Hard Drive you buy. You may have to save a little bit more money though. It your call bro :).

old Re: PC Buying

User Off Offline

i5 4670k is a good choice for a CPU, unless you want to host a server or constantly stream, you won't need an i7
8gb 1.6kGHz RAM is enough
GTX 780 (or 780 ti) is good as well, any motherboard which supports the i5 CPUs and SLI will work, getting about 750watt PSU will be required, the price of all this should be around 800 euros so you can spend the rest on either peripherals or save them.

Allienware are complete crap, any premade PC actually is, except for the Origin ones but those are WAY WAY WAY too overpriced.

old Re: PC Buying

User Off Offline

I bought a customized PC but I made a mistake because I didn't look well for a good graphics card and focused on the CPU instead, I realized it was bad when it couldn't run Goat Simulator without lags.
So take your time and make sure before buying anything.

My graphics card is ATI Radoen HD 5400 series
CPU: intel core i3-2120 @3.30 GHz (4cpus)
ram; 4gb

I'm a complete noob at these stuff, can you experts tell me how good/bad are they? (don't talk about ram ;o)

old Re: PC Buying

Super User Off Offline


You told you know how to set up these parts but the cpu socket on board is 1155 type and the i5 cpu got 1150. It wont work so i doubt that it "would be nice". If you have questions about how to set up a computer correctly pm me
edited 1×, last 16.05.14 09:02:23 am

old Re: PC Buying

Moderator Off Offline

Ok, if I see you going off-topic and about pornographic contents to add to that, I'll ban you all. If you want to discuss that, go to 4chan or something. This is not the place for it.
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