a) make it so that once we catch+release a bird, it will require supplemental food, from a coop or a hatchery. Both coops and hatcheries function as feeders, but the coops provides eggs only, while the hatchery only provides chicks and fledglings and only if both rooster and hen are tagged.
will tie breeding and eggs to the coop next update.
b) more importantly, if not fed (at a coop or a hatchery) within X days, then birds would die (Sort of like planting).
already this way...if the coop has no food, a random amount of chickens and roosters die at midnight, based on how many you have captured. The random amount goes up the more you have captured.
c) INTRODUCE disease event once X or more birds are tagged to a coop or hatchery.
d) INTRODUCE animal and natives attacks to domesticated animals (birds, sheep, tamed monkey and dog).
Possibly. For now in this new update, the tamed dog can be used to fight for you now. He has 400 health and can only take damage from bleeding out. So he is pretty hard to kill...he will require you to make many Bandages from knife+skin+cord=BANDAGE. During any hostile attack he is vulnerable to bleeding damage only. I will be utilizing this new scripting of AI vs AI. It did not exsist in this mod before now...i had a hard time making this script, but thats why I do it too, for the challenge.
e) INTRODUCE % chance of loosing animals during winter and rain storms.
good idea...i can see it as reality that some animals would not make it through a winter season.
f) add more variety to what we can feed them, including fruits, barks, insects, slime, even flower seeds (but at tremendous amounts).
i can do this in the next update yes...though these less important items would be eaten faster then even the current grains and corns. yes.
g) reduce how far land animals can go below water, make it so that immediately upon touching water they head back to land - right now they are master scuba divers.
i can not get access through script, to change the ai ability to go in the water. sorry.
Note, in a tangentially related topic, you should reduce the net catch or/and make the nets break more often, or both.
will do in the final balancing of items vs objects vs units...in the final update with endgame scenarios.
1. any way of adding tides?
same as g) I cannot access the water to make it go up and down the y axis. or i just dont know how with this current compilation of MM.
2. adding: honey bee colony (natural beehive), bees, honey comb, honey, wax (for candles), injuries and remedies. Bears can attack it and destroy it. Shamans (natives with masks) can deplete them. If the natural beehive is destroyed, bees will die UNLESS player has an artificial beehive
yes...this idea i heard of before in a previous post. I LOBE THIS IDEA and simply forgot about it until now. THANKS! yes i really want bees/hornets.
Speaking of tossing, I can never seem to get grenades working. How you do that?
just put the grenade in your hand. Lite it and throw it with your Left & Right mouse buttons.