CS2D Servers I want to buy a server hosterI want to buy a server hoster
9 replies 1
He wants to buy you :p
I recommend buying softlayer from IBM
About a $2 billion deal
I'd consider it
My server hoster is Pr0oF and the servers are superior.
cortz has written
If u want a good server hoster
I recommend buying softlayer from IBM
About a $2 billion deal
I'd consider it
I recommend buying softlayer from IBM
About a $2 billion deal
I'd consider it
Our servers are from Softlayer.
TopNotch has written
I recommend you user Pr0oF or user Shawni.
My server hoster is Pr0oF and the servers are superior.
My server hoster is Pr0oF and the servers are superior.
He want to buy a virtual server and not a cs2d server which proof doesn't sell since his VPS is shared and it's specs are low.
I'm not purachable, no worries. ( Never pay my father, he'll just sell me. )