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English headache when playing fps games

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old headache when playing fps games

User Off Offline

i gave up playing all FPS games because when i play sometime on half life or wolfenstein i suffer from a headache during and after playing, i've found many topics about that without finding the reason
maybe it's colors probleme or because i moves my eyes a lot when i move in the game....
but the important thing is that probleme is only with FPS games it doesn't happen with RPG or action games

can someone help to fix this, i will enjoy it if we have doctors on the site .

PS: i don't know if that happen on consoles too i played this games on pc

old Re: headache when playing fps games

Admin On Online

how fast do you get a headache when playing such games? if it is after several hours: take a break for a few minutes after each hour and don't look at the screen during that break.

maybe you are sitting too close to your screen. keep a distance of about half a meter. or maybe your screen sucks in general or the color/brightness/contrast settings are bad.
in case you're still using one of these huge old CRT monitors: make sure that the screen refresh rate is set high enough. try 100 hz if possible.

make sure that you always have something to drink within reach. dehydration causes headache really fast and you normally don't want to stand up to get some water while playing a good game..

old Re: headache when playing fps games

User Off Offline

its best to take a break now and then and go outside and do something.

as DC said, keep a half meter distance.. to close will ruin your eyes. and probably give u a headache

Sometimes my macbook is to bright when im gaming and it hurts my eyes. and head a tad bit...

old Re: headache when playing fps games

User Off Offline

Well there are 2 solutions;

- Don't play FPS games
- Lower the mouse speed in FPS games

I got headaches from Mount & Blade after 4 hours. It's because of the fast camera movement. In CoD the camera movement is very fast on standard; might give headaches.


old Re: headache when playing fps games

Apache uwu
User Off Offline

user DC has written
how fast do you get a headache when playing such games? if it is after several hours: take a break for a few minutes after each hour and don't look at the screen during that break.

lol I get headaches from playing cs2d wayy too long

even though I am on lcd & refresh rate is very high solution is to play different genre of games such as rts, and games that usually don't move as fast paced

old Re: headache when playing fps games

User Off Offline

Make a bloody sacrifice to Santa (...opsie Satan ... no matter, just do it)
It help only if u kill a human.
Because there is no computers in prisons
It will help 100500%

old Re: headache when playing fps games

User Off Offline

user kkkkkkk has written
PS: i don't know if that happen on consoles too i played this games on pc

Pretty much any electronic device where you're not doing much activity is going to cause problems. Headaches, in your case, can be from playing games too much, playing in the dark, playing when you're tired, dehydration, motion sickness could also contribute to this.

Only time I've ever been ill while playing videogames is if I've been playing them for a long period. And even then, most games come with a warning to not play them for extended periods.

user kkkkkkk has written
i will enjoy it if we have doctors on the site

Or you could just go to your local GP if you have any problems instead of asking a bunch of forum jockeys.

user Alistaire has written
It's because of the fast camera movement.

That would be a cause of motion sickness.

user Apache uwu has written
my solution is to play different genre of games

That's a stupid solution. You probably deserve the headaches.

user HEROin has written
blah blah

No, fuck off.

old Re: headache when playing fps games

User Off Offline

Turn down the gamma of your games. Also, if you play games in dark conditions ( at night with little or no light ) consider programs like "f.lux", they really help. ( It also makes you fall asleep in the middle of a language-interpreter, but you might not be as sleep-deprived as me, so you never know. )
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