de_grasslandichsucke BANNED Offline 08.11.11 05:14:19 pm Hi all i made my second de_ map Tiles from aim_grassland Use it and your server Dont say its yours Dont edit it Approved by GeoB99 (26.12.23 05:43 pm) Download 82 kb, 437 Downloads
Kriss User Offline 08.11.11 07:13:49 pm Sry Ph[Y]ton i test but i don't like because : Some bug sound with tiles set, And there are too many way, you get lost quickly. The corridors are too small can easily be random and killed 4-5 people: s I think you have to work more in your map :s. So work and post a release
Alistaire User Offline 08.11.11 05:43:24 pm @ ichsucke Well excuuuse me, but I'm not downloading by what I see there.
Alistaire User Offline 08.11.11 05:27:54 pm This looks like some map I've seen once; It has exactly this shape, but 90 degrees clockwise. Now it has the same tiles and same shape, I guess it might just be worse, cause the walkways are tiny.