
> > CS2D > Lua Scripts > [BcY] Rock the Vote Core
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Englisch [BcY] Rock the Vote Core >

2 Kommentare708 b, 401 Downloads

alt [BcY] Rock the Vote Core

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• This plugin is a standalone RTV core plugin. It does not provide an end-of-map vote, only nextmap functionality.
Players can say rtv, !rtv or rockthevote to initiate the process. When enough votes have been cast, the map will be changed to the nextmap(mapcycle.cfg should be set correctly.) Since it's a core plugin you can simply remove the direct map change and add end-of-map vote to this process.

You can change the rtv event trigger ratio:
local ratio = 0.6 -- %60 of players should rtv to take action.

√ You can edit it freely.
√ You can say it yours.
√ You can share it wherever you want.
√ You can blame me for my trashy coding style.
2× editiert, zuletzt 11.04.20 23:13:08
Zugelassen von Sparty

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I can't see anything to blame you, I liked it
Ich mag es!
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